Monday 21 July 2014

Enterprise Mobile Devices - Key Trends, Market Size, Vendor Share and Forecasts 2014 - 2019, New Report Launched

Enterprise Mobile Devices - Key Trends, Market Size, Vendor Share and Forecasts 2014 - 2019

Enterprise mobility is a growing area of opportunity for mobile network operators as the consumer segment represents a more fierce area of competition. Effective execution can ensure continued growth from highly valued revenue streams from wireless carrier’s best customers – the enterprise segment.

In addition to a more cost-effective operation, there are many other advantages to an effective mobile device management strategy including improved sales, operational efficiencies, customer satisfaction, improved productivity, and business expansion.

This research evaluates the current state and future of mobile devices and management for the enterprise. The report analyzes approaches to existing issues, such as BYOD and Cloud, as well as anticipated future areas. The report includes an outlook for 2014 to 2019 and associated forecasting.

Topics covered in the report includes:

  • Technology and Business Trends: A review of the underlying technology supporting enterprise mobile devices and business issues
  • Select Vendor Analysis: Analysis of how select vendors will position themselves to capitalize on enterprise mobility
  • Analysis of Managed Mobility Services: Evaluation of MDM, MAM, and MCM
  • Market Analysis and Forecasts: A global and regional assessment of the market size and forecasts from 2014 to 2019

All report purchases include time with an expert analyst who will help you link key findings in the report to the business issues you're addressing. This needs to be used within three months of purchasing the report.

Target Audience:
  • Mobile network operators
  • Handset and component providers
  • Enterprise mobility service providers
  • Managed communication service providers
  • Cloud services and BYOD management companies
  • Enterprise application developers and aggregators

Report Benefits:
  • MDM Forecasts 2014 – 2019
  • Enterprise Mobility Outlook and Forecast
  • Analysis of Emerging Trends and Direction
  • Enterprise Mobility Device Vendor Analysis
  • Evaluation of Enterprise Mobility Marketplace

Spanning Over Enterprise Mobile Devices: Key Trends, Market Size, Vendor Share and Forecasts 2014 - 2019” report covering the Enterprise Mobile Device Overview, Enterprise Mobility Management, Mobile Device Management, Enterprise Mobility Infrastructure, Enterprise Device Market Dynamics, Mobile Device Management Market Analysis.

See Table of contents & Purchase this publication at: -

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