Friday 18 July 2014

Computex 2014 Recap - Development of PLC Technologies and Chips, New Report Launched

Computex 2014 Recap - Development of PLC Technologies and Chips and HomePlug, the two major power line alliances, both kicked off seminars at Computex 2014 to discuss the current status and future development of and HomePlug AV2 standards and chip solutions. They also demonstrated power transmission based on different technologies as well as products ready for commercialization. The competition between the two alliances has heated up as their and HomePlug AV2-based Gigabit products hit the market. 2014 will be a crucial year for, a late comer to the industry, to fight its way out amid the competition from HomePlug which holds 90% of the PLC (power line communications) market.

Spanning Over 11 pages, Computex 2014 Recap: Development of PLC Technologies and Chips” report covering the Continues to Attract Attention with HomeGrid Forum's Participation in Computex, Chip Vendors Aggressively Promote HomePlug AV2 Solutions, Conclusion, Appendix.

See Table of contents & Purchase this publication at: -

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