Monday 21 July 2014

Big Data in Extraction and Natural Resource Industries - Mining, Water, Timber, Oil and Gas 2014 - 2019, New Report Launched

Big Data in Extraction and Natural Resource Industries - Mining, Water, Timber, Oil and Gas 2014 - 2019

Big Data and natural resources are made for each other and the natural resources industry is positioning itself to put this wealth of information to better use. Big Data is a comparatively untapped asset that organizations in this vertical can exploit once they adopt a shift of mindset and apply the right methods and processes.

In the natural resource industry, Big Data can come from conventional sources, which are equipment monitoring and maintenance records. Data from these sources is generally captured and used as required, but until now, it was not always preserved for long-term use. With the proper infrastructure and tools, natural resources organizations can gain measurable value from all of these data sources. As the quantity of data, the quantity of sources, and the regularity of data updates increases, so too does the value of Big Data.

This research evaluates the challenges and opportunities for leveraging Big Data and Analytics in the extraction and natural resources industries. The report analyzes companies, solutions, issues, and outlook for mining, water, timber, oil and gas including utilities. The report includes a review of the companies that we believe have key market advantages including scale and scope to best leverage Big Data and Analytics within the extraction and natural resources industry. The report also includes a forecast for Big Data revenue 2014 - 2019.

Target Audience:
  • Telecom services companies
  • Big Data and Analytics companies
  • Telecom and IT infrastructure companies
  • Data infrastructure, cloud, and services companies
  • Extraction and natural resources management companies

Spanning Over 49 pages, Big Data in Extraction and Natural Resource Industries: Mining, Water, Timber, Oil and Gas 2014 - 2019” report covering the Big Data in the Resource Supply Side, Big Data in the Resource Demand Side, Leading Companies and Solutions, The Future of Big Data in Physical Resources, Conclusions and Recommendations

See Table of contents & Purchase this publication at: -

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