Tuesday 1 March 2016

Worldwide Market for Social Media Messaging Platforms is expected to reach $27.2 billon by 2022; Finds New Report

Social Media Messaging: Market Shares, Strategy, And Forecasts, Worldwide, 2016 To 2022

Social messaging platforms leverage smart phones to deliver an increasingly broad set of lifestyle functions. Social media platforms that have been adept at moving to embrace the mobile revolution in user adoption. The smart phone can do everything. Messaging is the preferred medium of the smart phone.

Social media messaging usage is dependent on opening and engaging with the app. Message platforms are the most used apps globally. Social media messaging has transcended simple communication and become a platform for gaming, commerce and payment, media, taxi services and beyond. As these trends play out globally, mobile messaging leaders are evolving into central communication hubs.

Social messaging platforms leverage smart phones to deliver an increasingly broad set of lifestyle functions. Tencent (TCEHY) in China owns WeChat. This dominates the messaging market. Chat apps are widely used for shopping in China. They make consumer goods more available. In the U.S, Americans have access to brick-and-mortar shopping options.

Tencent Holdings Ltd provides Internet value-added services, mobile services, online advertising, and e-Commerce transactions services to users in the People's Republic of China. WeChat is used by 500,000 people to connect. WeChat is available for iOS and Android. It supports a group chat conversation. Twitter WeChat broadcast messages mimics a basic function of digital messaging, allowing broadcast of a single message to a group capability.

Facebook as a social media platform has benefitted from embracing the mobile revolution in user adoption. The smart phone can do everything. Tablets and cell phones have replaced PCs. Messaging is the preferred medium of the smart phone.

KakaoTalk was the number one social media messaging app when measuring the number of sessions. Sessions refers to usage, opening and engaging with the app. Topping the list with 55 sessions, the KakaoTalk app was shown to be used 1.5~7 times more than the other five messaging apps on the top 10 list. These results are significant. Message platforms are the most used apps globally. KakaoTalk is the most frequently visited and heavily replied on app per user, proving its potential to be one of the most influential services among its users.

KakaoTalk has already transcended simple communication and become a platform for gaming, commerce and payment, media, taxi services and beyond. As these trends play out globally, mobile messaging leaders are evolving into central communication hubs.

Facebook Messenger implements texting via the smartphone data plan. It bypasses the need to pay for each text. Users do not have to pay for every message. Facebook Messenger works with the data plan. Messenger works after the users sign in to Facebook.

Social media messaging supports the sharing of information. Social media messaging companies enable marketers to display advertising, and provide development platforms for application developers. Social media messaging companies compete to attract, engage, and retain people who use a digital screen to share information. The aim is to attract and retain marketers, and to attract and retain developers to build compelling mobile and web applications that integrate with products.

According to Susan Eustis, lead author of the study, “Users of social media messaging platforms are delighted with the effectiveness of texting. It works in real time, but without the interruptions created by a voice call. Building more functionality on the messaging platform will achieve key milestone in telecommunications. The platforms are evolving an e-commerce component.

As the e-commerce platforms evolve, the SOA once and only once delivery messaging will become a key aspect of the messaging platforms, providing an opportunity to transform the communications industry by adding a retail component. Social networks provide an intuitive base for communications, people generally want to talk to people they know and to buy things recommended by people they know.

New platform components and new designs are bringing that transformation forward. By furthering the growth of innovation message text users can get better connections to their friends and colleagues. By enhancing the platform and the user experience customer bases are going over one billion, creating the prospect that the entire market will grow rapidly.”

The worldwide market for social media messaging platforms is $8.6 billion anticipated to reach $27.2 billon by 2022. The complete report provides a comprehensive analysis including user numbers for those generating revenue, and counting separately, the much larger number of users not generating revenue. Segment analysis looks at texting, games, video, and e-commerce revenue, providing users, market value, forecasts, as well as a detailed competitive market shares and analysis of major players’ success, challenges, and strategies in each segment and sub-segment. The reports cover markets for social media texting platform specialties and sub-specialties.

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Publisher is an independent research organization funded by the sale of market research studies all over the world and by the implementation of ROI models that are used to calculate the total cost of ownership of equipment, services, and software. The company has 35 distributors worldwide, including Global Information Info Shop, Market Research.com, Research and Markets, and Thompson Financial. Publisher is positioned to help customers facing challenges that define the modern enterprises.

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Publisher supports various market segment programs; provides trusted technical services to the marketing departments. It carries out accurate market share and forecast analysis services for a range of commercial and government customers globally. These are all vital market research support solutions requiring trust and integrity.

Spanning over 380 pages Social Media Messaging: Market Shares, Strategy, And Forecasts, Worldwide, 2016 To 2022” report covers Social Messaging Executive Summary, Social Messaging Description and Market Dynamics, Social Messaging Market Shares and Forecasts, Social Messaging Product Description, Social Media Messaging Technology and Research, Social Media Messaging Company Descriptions. This report Cover Companies Few are - Baidu, Tencent Wechat, Facebook Whatsapp, Daum Kakao, IBM, Apple, Baidu, Blackberry, Daum Kakao, Facebook, Fiorano, Five, Fujitsu, Google, Hike.

For more information Visit at: http://mrr.cm/ovH

Find all Messaging Services report at : http://www.marketresearchreports.com/messaging-services

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