Friday 11 March 2016

Data Center Storage Market Outlook and Forecasts 2016 - 2021; New Report Launched

Data Center Storage Market Outlook and Forecasts 2016 - 2021

Data centers are rapidly transitioning away from traditional computing environments towards virtualized, cloud-based data storage.  This poses great threats and opportunities for the entire ecosystem.  This report evaluates the market for data centers including storage systems, cloud storage, data management, cloud infrastructure providers, and cloud application service providers. The report provides forecasts for 2016 through 2021 in key areas including:

  • Global Data Center Storage Market by Network Technology
  • Data Center Storage Market by Types of Traditional Storage
  • Global Data Center Storage Market by Types of Solution
  • Global Data Center Storage Market by Application
  • Global Cloud Storage Market: Personal vs. Public Cloud
  • Data Center Storage Market by Region
  • Global Data Center Storage Market by Industry Vertical
  • Data Center Storage Service Market and Vertical Impact
  • Global Storage System Shipment Projections
  • Enterprise Storage Migration to Virtualized and Cloud Environment

Target Audience:

  • CDN companies
  • Datacenter companies
  • Cloud storage companies
  • Telecom service providers
  • IP infrastructure providers
  • ISPs and IP services companies
  • Enterprise companies of all types

Spanning over 50 pages Data Center Storage Market Outlook and Forecasts 2016 - 2021” report covers Introduction, Overview Of Data Center Storage Systems, Storage/Data Tiers, Cloud Infrastructure Providers, Data Center Storage Forecasts 2016 - 2021.

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