Thursday 22 May 2014

Mobile Commerce Solutions and Market Opportunities, New Report Launched

Mobile Commerce Solutions and Market Opportunities

Mobile commerce is exploding with solutions, applications, and services driven by emerging technologies, use cases, and business models. M-commerce is quite different from traditional e-commerce as the ecosystem and value chain are more dynamic and are evolving in a different manner than e-commerce as a whole.

This report bundle is the most comprehensive research covering the market for Mobile Commerce Solutions and Market Opportunities. It addresses all key aspects of mobile commerce including contactless payments via NFC and other methods, the relationship between digital advertising and commerce, the effect of social networks and location on commerce, advanced technologies for commerce, and more.

This report package includes any/all Mind Commerce mobile commerce related reports through May 2014. See Table of Contents for details.

This report package includes: (The Single report contains package of 10 reports)

Target Audience:
  • Mobile Network Operators
  • Mobile Software Developers
  • OSS/BSS Solution Providers
  • Handset and Tablet Manufacturers
  • Mobile Payment Service Providers
  • Content and Applications Aggregators
  • Mobile Marketing and Advertising Providers
  • Telecommunications Infrastructure Providers

Browse this report:

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