Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Mission Critical Middleware Messaging Market Shares, Strategies, and Forecasts, Worldwide, 2014 to 2020, New Report Launched

Mission Critical Middleware Messaging Market Shares, Strategies, and Forecasts, Worldwide, 2014 to 2020
Global markets are poised to achieve significant growth as middleware messaging becomes the foundation for cloud computing and enterprise participation in mobile markets. Mobile device messaging and messaging for the Internet of things are driving markets.

According to the analyst, "Cloud, mobile, and collaboration are leveraging mission critical messaging. Messaging supports information exchange between mobile devices. The Internet of things is driving messaging uptake. IBM is the dominant vendor, providing reliable messaging for enterprises and tying together open systems software messaging systems with wrappers. It is used to support exchange of information among servers because of the tremendous reliability provided."

Smart phones and tablets change the markets for IT systems implementation, increasing the need for mission critical decoupled messaging. The communication of data is a demanding task whereby often there is trouble if a message that is sent does not get through or contra-wise if a message that is sent goes through twice. When there is a person on one or both sides of the message sending, human intelligence is able to deal with the problem if the message does not get sent, or if it gets sent twice, but for a machine to machine communication, the anticipation of difficulty has to be built into the system.

Mission critical messaging middleware from IBM is the base for software systems integration projects used to implement smart phone apps, mobile applications for the web, cloud computing, and enterprise collaboration suites. IBM WebSphere MQ is the IT industry defacto standard for mission critical information messaging. The IBM WebSphere MQ product continues to completely dominate the enterprise middleware messaging market.

IBM WebSphere MQ is used in the front end distributed systems to interconnect Java messaging when once and only once mission critical capability is needed. It is used on the back end mainframe systems to connect the mainframe to various databases and to distributed systems. IBM WebSphere MQ is a key component used to manage quantum increases in the quantity of data being generated.

Mission critical messaging provides cross platform, cross application support for once and only once delivery of packets of information of files across the network. It is supporting enterprise response to business change. By providing a foundation base for services oriented architecture (SOA), mission critical messaging enables the distributed, globally integrated enterprise to interconnect people and sensors over the Internet.

Decoupled message transport is a significant aspect of modernized IT. It is the base for Cloud, SOA, collaboration tools, and virtualized IT. IBM WebSphereMQ is a defacto industry mission critical messaging standard because it is used quadrillions of times per day worldwide to transport messages between applications. IBM WebSphereMQ is used as a wrapper for other HTTPS, JMS, and SOAP application messaging. It is used to achieve FTP transport.

Mission critical messaging represents a major aspect of IT as data processing moves away from a stack and into an SOA ESB services cloud computing environment that relies on transport. The value of mission critical messaging for SOA is that it leverages a services bus ESB computing environment. Cloud computing is creating new economies of scale for virtualized IT. Data centers are moving away from siloed applications and batch processing to real time systems.

As real time systems are implemented in the cloud, what were scale out distributed server farms for each separate application is giving way to virtualized systems that run simultaneously on one platform. IBM WebSphereMQ becomes a significant aspect of virtualization because it is so good at managing decoupled messages.

This study illustrates the mission critical middleware messaging market driving forces. It describes the principal competitive factors that impact the success of mission critical messaging solutions. Market pitfalls and market opportunities are addressed in the comprehensive market study that lays out strategy considerations in considerable detail: Worldwide mission critical messaging markets at $10.3 billion in 2013 are anticipated to reach $32.7 billion in 2020, indicating growth based on implementation of mobile smart phone network connectivity, tablet use for mobile computing, Internet apps, cloud computing, SOA, and business process management systems (BPM) that support collaboration 

Spanning over 535 pages, Mission Critical Middleware Messaging Market Shares, Strategies, and Forecasts, Worldwide, 2014 to 2020” report covering the IBM Dominates Markets with Mobile and Cloud Mission Critical Messaging Systems, Mission Critical Messaging Middleware Executive Summary, MISSION CRITICAL MESSAGING MIDDLEWARE\ MARKET SHARES AND MARKET FORECASTS, Mission Critical Messaging Middleware Market Definition, Mission Critical Messaging Middleware Market Shares and Market Forecasts, Middleware Messaging Product Description, Mission Critical Messaging Middleware Technology, Middleware Messaging Company Description. The report covered Companies few are - IBM, Tibco, Red Hat, Fiorano, Microsoft, Fujitsu, Attachmate / Novelle, Oracle

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