Friday, 30 May 2014

Rwanda joint Venture with Korea Telecom to Provide National LTE Network by 2016, Reveals New Report

Rwanda - Telecoms Mobile and Broadband - Market Insights and Statistics

The Rwandan telecom sector has shown particularly strong growth in recent years, buttressed by a vibrant economy and a GDP which has sustained growth of between 7% and 8% annually since 2008. As a result, the country is rapidly catching up with other markets in Africa, with increased penetration particularly evident in the internet and mobile sectors.

Although the country was slow to liberalise the mobile sector, allowing South Africa's MTN a monopoly until 2006 when the fixed-line incumbent, Rwandatel became the second mobile operator, there is effective competition among the three current operators, each of which provides wide geographic coverage. The launch of services from Millicom/Tigo in 2009 sparked renewed subscriber growth, though competition has eroded mobile services revenue and ARPU since then.

Rwanda's internet and broadband sector has suffered from limited fixed-line infrastructure and high prices, but developments in the fixed network market are improving connectivity and reliability. The operators are rolling out national fibre-optic backbone networks which also allow them to connect to the international submarine fibre-optic cables that landed on the African east coast in 2009 and 2010. These cables have given the entire region fibre-based international bandwidth for the first time and brought to an end its dependency on satellites.

Interest from investors in the country's ICT sector remains strong, particularly during the last few years. An existing deal with Korea Telecom to build a national fibre backbone was supplemented in September 2013 with a deal by which Korea Telecom will build a national LTE network, for which it has secured spectrum and an exclusive licence to operate the network for 25 years.

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Peru - MNP Portings to Be Reduced To 24 Hours, Coinciding With Launch of Viettels Mobile Service, Reveals New Report

Peru - Telecoms, IP Networks, Digital Media and Forecasts

Peru's fixed-line teledensity is the third lowest in South America after Bolivia and Paraguay. A number of obstacles to growth in the sector remain, exacerbated by the popularity of mobile services as a preferred alternative in many rural areas where fixed-line infrastructure remains poor. The Telecommunications Investment Fund FITEL provides subsidies for telecom services in rural areas and other places that are considered uneconomical for telcos.

Telefnica del Per (trading as Movistar) dominates the telephony market, followed by Amrica Mvil's Claro division and Americatel Per.

Although Peru's mobile penetration is below the regional average, the market remains very uneven, with low penetration in rural areas while multiple SIM card use is popular in urban areas. The market is a triopoly of Telefnica (Movistar), Amrica Mvil (Claro) and Americatel Per (Emtel). Vietnam's Viettel is expected to launch services later in 2014, following many delays, while Virgin Mobile also plans to enter the market as a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO). The market has considerable potential to expand, especially if economic growth continues in coming years.

Broadband penetration is considerably lower than the regional average. The country remains affected by wide-scale poverty, limited levels of literacy, low computer penetration, and poor competition, which has made broadband services among the slowest and most expensive in the region. Nevertheless, strong broadband growth is predicted during the next five years at least as a result of the government's national broadband plan which aims to provide internet connectivity via a fibre-optic backbone to many less urbanised regions. Mobile broadband will be the main growth platform.

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Australia - Tablets and Other Smart Devices Clear Winners in a Fragmenting Entertainment Market, Reveals New Report

Australia - Broadcasting - Pay TV, IPTV, Mobile TV

The broadcasting markets - FTA TV, STV, IPTV, Digital TV and Mobile TV have seen a number of changes over the last couple of years. These changes have included digitalisation of the Free-to-Air transmission frequencies, digital radio rollouts and continuing trials, increased availability of subscription TV, hotting up of the IPTV market and more TV viewing on mobile devices. As a result of this tightly contested market we have seen some lowering of access charges for some of the subscription-based services. Often the audiences are altering their viewing patterns using available technology some legal and some questionable, with apps as well as online access to suit lifestyles and their viewing preferences rather than what the industry prescribes them to do.

Also in 2014 the online advertising sector is gaining a further percentage of revenue and it overtook the revenues of the FTA industry. Many of the traditional TV companies are already struggling and will now need to move faster if they are to remain viable towards 2020 when the NBN rollout should see most Australians with fast broadband that allows full-streaming digital access. The broadcasters are now hoping that subscription video on demand (SVoD) content can bring back revenue to them as they try to convert their catch-up viewers to this paying model from the current free replay services that they also provide.

With subscription TV household penetration still languishing below 30%, we are seeing more content available over-the-top (OTT) through the IPTV service providers. Telstra, the largest, has more than 600,000 customers to its bundled Pay TV service. Other providers in the growing paid for IPTV market include FetchTV, Quickflix, EzyTV, FOXTEL's Presto, while some overseas companies including Netflix are eagerly watching the market.

There is a correlation between the availability of high-speed broadband and IPTV usage and Publisher estimates that further increases in high-speed broadband penetration will drive new IPTV developments. The rapid growth of smartphones and tablets is also giving this market a boost, as well as new business models like pay-per-view. By far the largest growth in IPTV video entertainment comes from user-generated content services such as YouTube, Facebook and a whole new range of services of short, and even super-short, videos. Catch-up TV would be the second largest category and the ABC's iView is the clear winner here.

The addition of revenue streams from alternative ways of watching subscription TV such as IPTV is being watched from within the industry.
The FTA broadcasters as well as the marketers and advertisers who also need a return on their investments are watching all the available content options. There are still many years for the standard TV market to have its monopoly-based content system available until the NBN becomes ubiquitous across Australia, when alternative digital streams become commonplace and ubiquitous, it is now the time to get higher penetration rates.

Watching mobile video from tablets, catch-up on PCs and other mobile devices requires more and more data bandwidth. Streamed programs on 3G or 4G are fast becoming data hogs on the mobile networks. As small data caps are normally the only available option due to pricing and availability, usage is somewhat limited in 2014/15 as a typical TV show uses around 500MB in a two hour session. But this does not deter many viewers with WiFi connectivity as the number one catch-up service, iView has more than 50% of its viewers using it on a mobile device.

Although its advertising base is growing, the radio market continues to lose share to other new media sectors. While radio is still available over AM and FM frequencies and almost three-quarters of all radio is commercially operated, other technology including digital radio, podcasting and converged multi-media technologies are offering new revenue opportunities, threats and challenges.

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Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Mobile Broadband in Africa and the Middle East - LTE Profit Drivers and Outlook, New Report Launched

Mobile Broadband in Africa and the Middle East - LTE Profit Drivers and Outlook

'Mobile Broadband in Africa and the Middle East: LTE Profit Drivers and Outlook,' a Telecom Insider Report by Publisher, tackles the question of how LTE is positioned in Africa and the Middle East and what its growth drivers and consequences for mobile broadband are. It reviews the existing LTE deployments and assesses uptake vis-à-vis (and along with) 3G adoption and rollouts. We analyze the current circumstances and expectations for mobile broadband in AME by using three main pillars: revenue drivers (services, devices, pricing models), cost (regulations and deployment models) and structural dynamics (socioeconomic and competitive characteristics).

Key Findings
  • LTE is commercially present in about 20 countries in Africa and the Middle East. In the wealthy Gulf countries almost all mobile operators use LTE as their new basis of competition for mobile subscriptions, whereas in Africa the use of LTE is mostly limited to fixed-use cases for broadband access, following WiMAX migrations.
  • Mobile operators in Africa are waiting for the digital dividend, scheduled for mid-2015, and the release of frequencies in the sub-1GHz spectrum before aggressive LTE deployments. Until then, pure broadband LTE companies have a window of opportunity to expand their subscriber bases, while Internet companies, such as Microsoft and Google, will have time to lobby for the utilization of TV white spaces.
  • In the Gulf markets, pricing of mobile data is often uniform across 3G and LTE networks, while in Africa, the arrival of LTE broadband brought with it a wave of segmentation in the packaging and pricing of mobile data, for instance through data sharing and time-of-day packages.
  • Although network sharing or wholesale LTE networks are possibilities, unfavorable competitive dynamics in most AME markets hamper the development of such cost-effective deployment models.
  • In the Gulf markets, LTE will account for 30% of mobile subscriptions by 2018, while the figure will be in the 2-5% range across African markets due to late entries by mobile operators. This is in line with African regulators who raise concerns that the mobile operators should gain more experience with 3G.

This Telecom Insider tackles the question of how LTE is positioned in Africa and the Middle East and what its growth drivers and consequences for mobile broadband are. It reviews the existing LTE deployments and assesses uptake vis-à-vis (and along with) 3G adoption and rollouts. We analyze the current circumstances and expectations for mobile broadband in AME by using three main pillars: revenue drivers, cost constraints and structural dynamics.
Among revenue drivers, we discuss the implications of the emergence of local content that justifies the growing use of high-speed mobile networks, such as OTT video and e-commerce applications. We also highlight the changes in how operators package and price LTE in Africa and the Middle East, as well as the landscape of devices available to mobile broadband. In the cost section, we emphasize the LTE network deployment models in use or planned by the operators, as well as the regulatory constraints and enablers surrounding the future of LTE in AME. In the structural dynamics section, we focus on the effects of socioeconomic market characteristics and how competition incentivizes or postpones LTE deployments in some markets.
Also in this report, you will find a detailed list of existing LTE deployments, projections on mobile broadband uptake over the next five years, as well as concrete conclusions and recommendations regarding the future of LTE and mobile broadband in Africa and the Middle East. The report visits multiple cases of successful and failed deployments, as well as analytical comparisons across markets that can be used for decision-making.

Reasons to Buy
  • This Insider Report provides a comprehensive examination of service provider business models around LTE in Africa and the Middle East market to help executives fully understand market dynamics, determine what works and what doesn't, formulate effective product development plans and optimize resource allocation and return on investments.
  • This Insider Report provides a five-year forecast of LTE uptake in Africa and the Middle East, developed using Publisher's rigorous bottom-up modeling methodologies, to enable executives to effectively position their companies for growth opportunities and emerging trends in demand for their products.
  • Constant references to actual events and developments in Africa and the Middle East support the findings of the report, providing insight into particular deployment models in the GCC countries as well as in sub-Saharan markets where commercial LTE has been made available. This will help the reader understand both the challenges confronted in the real world and the strategies employed to overcome those challenges.
  • The report discusses concrete opportunities in the LTE and mobile broadband market in Africa and the Middle East, providing a number of actionable recommendations for operators, service providers, infrastructure companies and investors

Spanning over 34 pages, Mobile Broadband in Africa and the Middle East - LTE Profit Drivers and Outlook” report covering companies are - Smile Telecom, Swift Networks, Spectranet, Surfline, Vodafone, MTN, Mobily, Etisalat, Ooredoo, Orange, Google, Microsoft, Cell C, Safaricom.

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Mission Critical Middleware Messaging Market Shares, Strategies, and Forecasts, Worldwide, 2014 to 2020, New Report Launched

Mission Critical Middleware Messaging Market Shares, Strategies, and Forecasts, Worldwide, 2014 to 2020
Global markets are poised to achieve significant growth as middleware messaging becomes the foundation for cloud computing and enterprise participation in mobile markets. Mobile device messaging and messaging for the Internet of things are driving markets.

According to the analyst, "Cloud, mobile, and collaboration are leveraging mission critical messaging. Messaging supports information exchange between mobile devices. The Internet of things is driving messaging uptake. IBM is the dominant vendor, providing reliable messaging for enterprises and tying together open systems software messaging systems with wrappers. It is used to support exchange of information among servers because of the tremendous reliability provided."

Smart phones and tablets change the markets for IT systems implementation, increasing the need for mission critical decoupled messaging. The communication of data is a demanding task whereby often there is trouble if a message that is sent does not get through or contra-wise if a message that is sent goes through twice. When there is a person on one or both sides of the message sending, human intelligence is able to deal with the problem if the message does not get sent, or if it gets sent twice, but for a machine to machine communication, the anticipation of difficulty has to be built into the system.

Mission critical messaging middleware from IBM is the base for software systems integration projects used to implement smart phone apps, mobile applications for the web, cloud computing, and enterprise collaboration suites. IBM WebSphere MQ is the IT industry defacto standard for mission critical information messaging. The IBM WebSphere MQ product continues to completely dominate the enterprise middleware messaging market.

IBM WebSphere MQ is used in the front end distributed systems to interconnect Java messaging when once and only once mission critical capability is needed. It is used on the back end mainframe systems to connect the mainframe to various databases and to distributed systems. IBM WebSphere MQ is a key component used to manage quantum increases in the quantity of data being generated.

Mission critical messaging provides cross platform, cross application support for once and only once delivery of packets of information of files across the network. It is supporting enterprise response to business change. By providing a foundation base for services oriented architecture (SOA), mission critical messaging enables the distributed, globally integrated enterprise to interconnect people and sensors over the Internet.

Decoupled message transport is a significant aspect of modernized IT. It is the base for Cloud, SOA, collaboration tools, and virtualized IT. IBM WebSphereMQ is a defacto industry mission critical messaging standard because it is used quadrillions of times per day worldwide to transport messages between applications. IBM WebSphereMQ is used as a wrapper for other HTTPS, JMS, and SOAP application messaging. It is used to achieve FTP transport.

Mission critical messaging represents a major aspect of IT as data processing moves away from a stack and into an SOA ESB services cloud computing environment that relies on transport. The value of mission critical messaging for SOA is that it leverages a services bus ESB computing environment. Cloud computing is creating new economies of scale for virtualized IT. Data centers are moving away from siloed applications and batch processing to real time systems.

As real time systems are implemented in the cloud, what were scale out distributed server farms for each separate application is giving way to virtualized systems that run simultaneously on one platform. IBM WebSphereMQ becomes a significant aspect of virtualization because it is so good at managing decoupled messages.

This study illustrates the mission critical middleware messaging market driving forces. It describes the principal competitive factors that impact the success of mission critical messaging solutions. Market pitfalls and market opportunities are addressed in the comprehensive market study that lays out strategy considerations in considerable detail: Worldwide mission critical messaging markets at $10.3 billion in 2013 are anticipated to reach $32.7 billion in 2020, indicating growth based on implementation of mobile smart phone network connectivity, tablet use for mobile computing, Internet apps, cloud computing, SOA, and business process management systems (BPM) that support collaboration 

Spanning over 535 pages, Mission Critical Middleware Messaging Market Shares, Strategies, and Forecasts, Worldwide, 2014 to 2020” report covering the IBM Dominates Markets with Mobile and Cloud Mission Critical Messaging Systems, Mission Critical Messaging Middleware Executive Summary, MISSION CRITICAL MESSAGING MIDDLEWARE\ MARKET SHARES AND MARKET FORECASTS, Mission Critical Messaging Middleware Market Definition, Mission Critical Messaging Middleware Market Shares and Market Forecasts, Middleware Messaging Product Description, Mission Critical Messaging Middleware Technology, Middleware Messaging Company Description. The report covered Companies few are - IBM, Tibco, Red Hat, Fiorano, Microsoft, Fujitsu, Attachmate / Novelle, Oracle

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Bolivia Operators Use DTH and Recently Awarded Spectrum to Drive Telecom Growth, New Report Launched

Bolivia Operators Use DTH and Recently Awarded Spectrum to Drive Telecom Growth

'Bolivia: Operators Use DTH and Recently Awarded Spectrum to Drive Telecom Growth,' a new Country Intelligence Report by Publisher, offers a precise, incisive profile of Bolivia's mobile and fixed telecommunications and pay-TV markets based on comprehensive proprietary data and insights from our research in the Bolivian market. Published annually, this presentation-quality, executive-level report provides detailed analysis of the near-term opportunities, competitive dynamics and evolution of demand by service type and technology/platform across the fixed telephony and broadband, mobile and pay-TV sectors, in addition to a review of key regulatory trends.

Key Findings
  • Much-needed spectrum awarded in 2013 will be used to expand coverage and increase capacity of 3G networks, and to roll out LTE.
  • Pay-TV will be one of the most dynamic segments of the market thanks to the launch of the Tupak Katari satellite and the introduction of DTH pay-TV services by major operators.
  • Mobile penetration will reach 115% by 2018, with data accounting for 27% of total mobile ARPS.
  • Bolivia has among the lowest fixed broadband penetration levels in the region: 1.5% of the population and 5.1% of households as of year-end 2013.

This report provides an executive-level overview of the telecommunications market in Bolivia today, with detailed forecasts of key indicators up through 2018. It delivers deep quantitative and qualitative insight into Bolivia's telecom market, analyzing key trends, evaluating near-term opportunities and assessing risk factors, based on proprietary data from Publisher's databases.

It provides in-depth analysis of the following:
  • Bolivia in a regional context; a review comparing market size and trends with other countries in the region.
  • Economic, demographic and political context in Bolivia.
  • Regulatory environment and trends; a review of the regulatory setting and agenda for the next 18-24 months as well as relevant developments pertaining to spectrum licensing, national broadband plans, number portability and more.
  • Demand profile; analysis as well as forecasts and historical figures of service revenue from fixed telephony (including VoIP), broadband, mobile voice and data, and pay-TV markets.
  • Service evolution; a look at the change in the breakdown of overall revenue by fixed/pay-TV and mobile sectors and by voice, data and video in the current year as well as the end of the forecast period.
  • Competitive landscape; an examination of key trends in competition and service providers' performance, revenue market shares and expected moves over the next 18-24 months.
  • An in-depth sector analysis of fixed telephony and broadband services, mobile voice and data services, and pay-TV services; a quantitative analysis of service adoption trends by technology/platform as well as by operator, average revenue per line/subscription and service revenue through the end of the forecast period.
  • Main opportunities; this section details the near-term opportunities for operators, vendors and investors in Bolivia's telecommunications and pay-TV markets.

Reasons to Buy
  • This Country Intelligence Report helps executives build proactive, profitable growth strategies by offering comprehensive, relevant analysis of Bolivia's telecommunications and pay-TV markets based on insights directly from the local market players.
  • The report offers a wealth of data on the telecom and pay-TV markets, with the mobile and fixed segments examined in detail.
  • The competitive landscape and the major players are given extra attention, enabling local players or prospective market entrants to gain the insight they need.
  • The broad but detailed perspective will help operators, equipment vendors and other telecom industry players to succeed in the challenging telecommunications market in Bolivia.
  • The report is designed for an executive-level audience, boasting presentation quality that allows it to be turned into presentable material immediately.
  • The report concludes with an exploration of the opportunities available in the Bolivian market to operators, vendors and investors.

Spanning over 31 pages, Bolivia Operators Use DTH and Recently Awarded Spectrum to Drive Telecom Growth” report covering the Executive summary, Market and competitor overview, Bolivia in a regional context, Economic, demographic and political context, Regulatory environment, Demand profile, Service evolution, Competitive landscape, Major market players, Segment analysis, Mobile services, Fixed services, Pay-TV, Identifying opportunities. The report covered companies  are - Entel Bolivia, Viva, Nuevatel, Tigo, Telecel, AXS, Comteco, Cotas, Cotel, Intercable, América Móvil, TuVes, Millicom, Multivision, Alcatel

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Sunday, 25 May 2014

The Taiwanese Smartphone Application IC Market, 1Q 2014, New Report Launched

The Taiwanese Smartphone Application IC Market, 1Q 2014

This research report presents market size and value forecast and recent quarter review of the Taiwanese smartphone baseband, transceiver, power amplifier, application processor, GPS IC, Bluetooth IC, and Wi-Fi IC markets. The report includes baseband, transceiver, power amplifier, application processor, GPS IC, Bluetooth IC, and Wi-Fi IC market volume, value, ASP, and market share by solution provider.

The content of this report is based on primary data obtained through interviews with smartphone component makers. The report finds that Taiwanese smartphone application IC market volume grew 49% sequentially in the fourth quarter of 2013, due largely in part to strong sales of Apple iPhones. Following the strong growth, Taiwanese smartphone application IC market volume is anticipated to decline considerably in the first quarter of 2014. One of the most important points to note is that Taiwanese smartphones' adoption share of IC solutions from MediaTek and Intel has been increasing and seems likely to increase further, as the future chance of Taiwanese ODMs/OEMs landing Chinese branded and white-box smartphone orders is high.

Spanning over 30 pages, The Taiwanese Smartphone Application IC Market, 1Q 2014” report covering the Taiwanese Smartphone Communications IC Market Volume, 1Q 2012 - 4Q 2014, Taiwanese Smartphone Communications IC Market Value, 1Q 2012 - 4Q 2014, Taiwanese Smartphone Baseband Processor Market Volume, 1Q 2012 - 4Q 2014, Taiwanese Smartphone Baseband Processor Market Value and ASP, 1Q 2012 - 4Q 2014, Taiwanese Smartphone Baseband Processor Market Volume by System Technology, 1Q 2012 - 4Q 2013, Taiwanese Smartphone Baseband Processor Market Volume Share by Solution Provider, 1Q 2012 - 4Q 2013, Taiwanese Smartphone Transceiver Market Volume, 1Q 2012 - 4Q 2014, Taiwanese Smartphone Transceiver Market Value and ASP, 1Q 2012 - 4Q 2014, Taiwanese Smartphone Transceiver Market Volume by System Technology, 1Q 2012 - 4Q 2013, Taiwanese Smartphone Transceiver Market Volume Share by Solution Provider, 1Q 2011 - 4Q 2013, Taiwanese Smartphone Application Processor Market Volume, 1Q 2012 - 4Q 2014, Taiwanese Smartphone Application Processor Market Value and ASP, 1Q 2012 - 4Q 2014, Taiwanese Smartphone Application Processor Market Volume Share by Solution Provider, 1Q 2012 - 4Q 2013, Taiwanese Smartphone GPS IC Market Volume, 1Q 2012 - 4Q 2014, Taiwanese Smartphone GPS IC Market Value and ASP, 1Q 2012 - 4Q 2014, Taiwanese Smartphone GPS IC Market Volume Share by Solution Provider, 1Q 2012 - 4Q 2013, Taiwanese Smartphone Bluetooth IC Market Volume, 1Q 2012 - 4Q 2014, Taiwanese Smartphone Bluetooth IC Market Value and ASP, 1Q 2012 - 4Q 2014, Taiwanese Smartphone Bluetooth IC Market Volume Share by Solution Provider, 1Q 2012 - 4Q 2013, Taiwanese Smartphone Wi-Fi IC Market Volume, 1Q 2012 - 4Q 2014, Taiwanese Smartphone Wi-Fi IC Market Value and ASP, 1Q 2012 - 4Q 2014, Taiwanese Smartphone Wi-Fi IC Market Volume Share by Solution Provider, 1Q 2012 - 4Q 2013, Intelligence Insight, Research Scope & Definitions. The report covered 22 companies - Apple, Broadcom, China Mobile, Coolpad, Gigabyte, Hisense, HTC, Infineon, Intel, Lenovo, Marvell, MediaTek, Nokia, Nvidia, Qualcomm, Samsung, Sequans, SiRF/CSR, ST-Ericsson, T3G, TI, Xiaomi

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Patent Applications of the Flexible Wearable Computer Industry, 1Q 2014, New Report Launched

Patent Applications of the Flexible Wearable Computer Industry, 1Q 2014

This research report presents the recent quarter review of the patent applications in the flexible wearable computer industry. The report, which is based on the survey of USPTO database, includes patent application volume—both overall and by assignee country, assignee rankings, IPC rankings, and USPC rankings.

The report finds that the industry's patent applications totaled 336 in the first quarter of 2014, up 41.2% year on year. A breakdown by assignee country reveals that Korea, Japan, Canada, and Finland all saw considerable growth in patent applications in this quarter. Rankings by the IPC classification show that the mainstream application of flexible wearable computers will be the collection of biological information for healthcare purposes.

Spanning over 12 pages, Patent Applications of the Flexible Wearable Computer Industry, 1Q 2014” report covering the Flexible Wearable Computer Industry's Patent Application Volume in USPTO, 1Q 2012 - 1Q 2014, Flexible Wearable Computer Industry's Patent Application Volume by Assignee Country in USPTO, 1Q 2012 - 1Q 2014, Flexible Wearable Computer Industry's Patent Application Volume Share by Assignee Country in USPTO, 1Q 2012 - 1Q 2014, Flexible Wearable Computer Industry's Patent Application Volume Ranking by Assignee in USPTO, 1Q 2013 - 1Q 2014, Flexible Wearable Computer Industry's Patent Application Volume Ranking by IPC in USPTO, 1Q 2013 - 1Q 2014, Flexible Wearable Computer Industry's Patent Application Volume Ranking by USPC in USPTO, 1Q 2013 - 1Q 2014, Intelligence Insight, Research Scope & Definitions. The report covered 19 companies - 3M, Apple, AU Optronics, Commvault Systems, Fitbit, Google, Micron Technology, Microsoft, Motorola Mobility, Nike, Nokia, Physio Control, Polymer Vision, Qualcomm, Research In Motion, Samsung, Sony, Splunk, Toshiba

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Inside 3D Printing - Technologies, Market Forecast and Business Opportunities, New Report Launched

Inside 3D Printing - Technologies, Market Forecast and Business Opportunities

3D printing technology has a broad range of applications, including consumer products, medical equipment, machine parts, automobile components, architecture models, toys, and even food and dessert. This report profiles major 3D printing processes, such as SLA, SLS, LOM, and FDM, to name a few, with their pros and cons analyzed. Also included are the 3D printer market value forecast and market opportunities in the supply chain from the perspective of hardware, software, and business model.

List of Topics
  • Overview of the major 3D printing processes, including SLA, SLS, LOM, FDM, 3DP, and OBJet, touching on their processing flow, build materials, advantages and disadvantages 
  • Forecast of the worldwide 3D printing market volume, including the share of major application markets and vendors 
  • Highlights of the development of 3D printing technology from the aspects of technology, vendor, and market; also included are an overview of the Taiwanese 3D printing supply chain and new business opportunities

Spanning over 24 pages, 19 figures, 4 tables, Inside 3D Printing - Technologies, Market Forecast and Business Opportunities” report covering the Overview of Major 3D Printing Methods, Outlook for the Worldwide 3D Printer Market, Tracking and Observing Highlights, Appendix, The report covered companies are - 3D Systems, 3dfamily, Arima Lasers, Asiatree Technology Co., Aurora Group, Beijing Tiertime, Bits from Bytes, Chieftech Precision Co., Chih-Mao Information, Chuang Qin Co., Contrel Technology, Coretronic, Detekt Technology, DTM, Elite Advanced Laser, Envisiontec GmbH, EOS GmbH, E-Sun Precision Industrial Co., Foxconn, Gallant Precision Machining Co., General Integration Technology Co., Helisys, Hiwin Technology, Kinpo Group, KongDa Technology, MakerBot, MicroJet, Objet Geometries, Oreo, Otsuka Information Technology Co., ProArc Co., Qualipoly Chemical Co., RepRap, Road Ahead Technologies, Solid Wizard Co., Solidscape, Stratasys, Tailift Co., Tech System, Tongtai Machine & Tool Co., VIA, Visual Photonics Epitaxy Co., XYZPrinting, Young Optics, Z Corporation

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Current Development of the Global LTE Subscriber Market, 2Q 2014, New Report Launched

Current Development of the Global LTE Subscriber Market, 2Q 2014

This report profiles the latest development of LTE subscriber markets and leading operators in Pan-America, Europe, Asia, Oceania, and Africa, with country development overview and detailed information such as the adopted LTE technology, frequency band, service coverage, equipment supplier, and LTE user base provided.

List of Topics : 
  • The development of LTE subscriber markets worldwide including North, Central, and Latin America, Europe, Asia, Oceania, and Africa, with individual country overviews and company highlights provided. 
  • The global LTE market development by country and operator, with the inclusion of individual operators' current status, technology, frequency band usage, service coverage, kick-off schedule, equipment supplier, investment amount, and LTE user base.

Spanning over 54 pages, Current Development of the Global LTE Subscriber Market, 2Q 2014” report covering the Pan-American LTE Market Development, European LTE Market Development, Asian LTE Market Development, Oceanian LTE Market Development, African LTE Market Development, Appendix. The report covered companies are - 3 Denmark, 3 Hong Kong, 3 Italia, 3 Sweden, 8ta, A1, Aero2, Airspan, Alaska Communications, Alcatel-Lucent, Altel, Altel Communications, Ambit Microsystems, Antel, Asia Pacific Telecom, AT&T, AT&T Mobility, Azercell, Babilon-Mobile, BASE, Batelco, Bell Mobility, Bend broadband, Bharti Airtel, Bluegrass Cellular, B-Mobile, Bouygues Telecom, BTC, BTL, C Spire Wireless, Celcom Axiata, Cellcom, China Mobile, China Mobile Hong Kong, China Telecom, China Unicom, CHT, Cisco, Claro, CNT, Cosmote, COTA, CSL, Deutsche Telekom (DT), Dialog Axiata, Digicel, DiGi Telecommunications, Digitel, DNA, DOCOMO Pacific, Du, eAccess, Eastlink, Econet Wireless, EE, Elisa, EMT, Entel Movil, Ericsson, Etisalat, Far Eastone, Fjarskipti, Free Mobile, Fujitsu, Global, GTA, Huawei, Hutchison 3, Hutchison 3G, iConnect, IDC, IT&E, Juniper, KDDI, KT, K?Telecom /VivaCell?MTS, Lanka Bell, Leap /Cricket, LG Uplus, LIME, LMT/ TeliaSonera, M1, Manx Telecom, Max Telecom, Maxis, MegaFon, Meteor Mobile, MetroPCS, MiSpot, Mobily, Mobitel, Moldcell, Monaco Telecom, Motorola, Movicel, Movistar, MTC, MTN, MTS, Nawras, NBN, NEC, Neotel South Africa, Nepal Telecom, Nova, NSN, NTT DOCOMO, O2, Oi, Omantel, Omnitel/ TeliaSonera, Ooredoo, Open Mobile, Optimus/ Sonaecom, Optus ,Orange, P4, Panhandle, Panasonic, PCCW, Peoples Telephone, Pioneer cellular, Polkomtel /Plus, Post Luxembourg, Proximus, PT Internux/BOLT, Qtel, Regional Telecom, Rogers, Rostelecom, Safaricom, Samsung, Sasktel, SFR, Siminn, Si.mobil, SingTel, SK Telecom, Sky Telecom, Slovak Telekom, Smart, Smartone, Smile, Softbank, Spectranet, Sprint, Sprocket Wireless, StarHub, STC, Stoke, Sunrise, Surfline, SWIFT Networks, Swisscom, Taiwan Mobile, Taiwan Star Cellular, Tango, TDC, Telcel, Tele2, Telecom Italia, Telecom Namibia, Telecom NZ, Telefonica Movistar, Telefonica O2, Telenor, Tele-Post Greenland, TeliaSonera, TeliaSonera/Netcom, Telstra, Telus, T-Hrvatski, Thumb Cellular, Tigo, TIM, Tishknet, TMN/ Portugal Telecom, T-Mobile, Tricom, True Move, Ucell, UK broadband, U Mobile, UNE-EMP, Unitel, US Cellular, Vainakh Telecom, Verizon, Videocon, Vimpelcom (Beeline), VIPNet, Viva Bahrain, Viva, Vivo, Vodacom, Vodafone, Vodafone Hutchison Australia (VHA), Wataniya Telecom, Yoigo, YooMee, Yota/ Scartel, Zain, Zamtel, Ziggo, ZTE

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Friday, 23 May 2014

Software Defined Networking (SDN) Solutions, Market Opportunities and Forecast 2014 - 2019, New Report Launched

Software Defined Networking (SDN) Solutions, Market Opportunities and Forecast 2014 - 2019

Software Defined Networking (SDN) is a technology and architectural approach that is continuing to form and mature. The development of SDN has largely spawned from the need to separate Control and Data planes as a means of optimizing networks via software control and reduced dependency on specific hardware configurations and vendors.

A major goal of SDN is to both simplify and consolidate network functions, replacing specialized hardware with commodity switches, servers, etc. It enables vertical integration with application control over the network through SDN APIs. SDN solutions currently depend on the use of the OpenFlow protocol, which structures communication between the Control and Data planes of supported network devices via Southbound APIs and related protocols and communications.

This research evaluates the business drivers for SDN, its relationship to virtualization, specific market opportunities, leading vendors and solutions, issues involved in implementing SDN, and the market outlook and forecast for SDN for switching, controllers, and the software operation market. The report includes analysis of important topics such as Northbound APIs and their role in development of software defined services by third parties. This report is a must read for anyone involved in architecture strategy, application development, network planning, operations, and anyone with a vested interest in the future of service delivery, virtualization, and cloud-based market opportunities.

Purchasers of this report at the Team License or greater level will receive at no additional cost the following complementary report:

Network Infrastructure Virtualization: Transforming Telecommunications and Managed Services

Target Audience:
  • Network operators
  • SDN solution providers
  • Cloud-based service providers
  • Virtualization solution providers
  • Network infrastructure providers
  • OSS/BSS and optimization companies
  • Application developers and API companies
  • Managed communications services companies

Spanning Over 142 pages and 30 Figures “Software Defined Networking (SDN) Solutions, Market Opportunities and Forecast 2014 - 2019” report Provide Introduction, Software-Defined Networks Technology, Network Virtualization 24, Software-Defined Everything, SDN Impact on Network Operators, Leading SDN Drivers and Opportunities, SDN Ecosystem and Value Chain, SDN Vendors and Solutions, Implementing SDN, SDN Market Forecasts 2014-2019. This report Covered 32 Companies few are - Alcatel-Lucent, Amazon Web Services, Arista Networks, AT&T, Avaya, Big Switch Networks, Brocade, Cariden, Ciena, Cisco, ConteXtream, Contrail, Cyan, Dell, eBay, Ericsson, Google, Hitachi, Huawei, IBM.

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Internet of Things (IoT) and Wireless Networks: Technologies, Business Drivers, and Market Outlook, New Report Launched

Internet of Things (IoT) and Wireless Networks

The world is moving beyond standalone devices into a new era where everything is connected. The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to uniquely identifiable objects (things) and their virtual representations in an Internet-like structure. Stated differently, the concept involves the notion that there are many things (assets, objects, etc.) in the world that may be addressed/labeled/cataloged for various purposes. The Internet is associated with and mapped to the real world by attaching object tags with URLs as meta-objects to tangible objects or locations.

In addition to the wireless technologies that make connecting different things possible, there are wide number of technologies that gain benefit from the IoT or support it. Since the technology of IoT will have an unlimited number of devices there will many of technologies evolved whether to deploy, manage or even identify things.

This research addresses the business drivers, technologies and future outlook for the Internet of Things (IoT) with an emphasis on business opportunities, industry sectors, and leading applications. The report includes analysis of leading sectors to adopt IoT: Connected Homes, Connected Vehicles, and Industrial Internet. The report also includes analysis of key issues and success factors for the long-term success of IoT.

Purchasers of this report at the Team License or higher level will also receive an enterprise license of the following company-specific reports at no additional cost:
  • Internet of Things (IoT) Leaders: Intel
  • Internet of Things (IoT) Leaders: Oracle
  • Internet of Things (IoT) Leaders: Cisco
  • Internet of Things (IoT) Leaders: Qualcomm

Target Audience:
  • Semiconductor companies
  • Embedded systems companies
  • Application developers and aggregators
  • Managed service and middleware companies
  • Wireless network operators and service providers
  • Data management and predictive analysis companies
  • Sensor, presence, location, and detection solution providers
  • Internet identity management, privacy, and security companies
  • M2M, Internet of Things (IoT), and general telecommunications companies
  • Wireless infrastructure (cellular, WiMAX, WiFi, RFID/NFC, and Beacon) providers

Report Benefits:
  • Identify business drivers for IoT
  • Identify leading IoT applications
  • Understand IoT supporting technologies
  • Identify key issues for the long term success of IoT
  • Understand the dynamics of IoT in leading industry verticals
  • Obtain reports on IoT leaders: Intel, Oracle, Cisco, and Qualcomm

Spanning Over 157 pages and 24 Figures “Internet of Things (IoT) and Wireless Networks: Technologies, Business Drivers, and Market Outlook” report Provide Executive Summary, Underlying Technologies Supporting IoT, IoT in Industry Verticals, IoT and Connected Homes, IoT and Connected Cars, IoT and the Industrial Internet, Key Evolutionary Trends Driving IoT, Key Issues to the Long-term Success of IoT, Appendix.

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Thursday, 22 May 2014

Mobile Commerce Solutions and Market Opportunities, New Report Launched

Mobile Commerce Solutions and Market Opportunities

Mobile commerce is exploding with solutions, applications, and services driven by emerging technologies, use cases, and business models. M-commerce is quite different from traditional e-commerce as the ecosystem and value chain are more dynamic and are evolving in a different manner than e-commerce as a whole.

This report bundle is the most comprehensive research covering the market for Mobile Commerce Solutions and Market Opportunities. It addresses all key aspects of mobile commerce including contactless payments via NFC and other methods, the relationship between digital advertising and commerce, the effect of social networks and location on commerce, advanced technologies for commerce, and more.

This report package includes any/all Mind Commerce mobile commerce related reports through May 2014. See Table of Contents for details.

This report package includes: (The Single report contains package of 10 reports)

Target Audience:
  • Mobile Network Operators
  • Mobile Software Developers
  • OSS/BSS Solution Providers
  • Handset and Tablet Manufacturers
  • Mobile Payment Service Providers
  • Content and Applications Aggregators
  • Mobile Marketing and Advertising Providers
  • Telecommunications Infrastructure Providers

Browse this report:

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Asia-Pacific Smartphone Market to 2015 - Mobile Handset Sales by Technology and by Generation, New Report Launched

Asia-Pacific Smartphone Market to 2015

"Asia-Pacific Smartphone Market to 2015: Mobile Handset Sales by Technology and by Generation" report provides a top-level overview and detailed insights into the operating environment for mobile operators. It is an essential tool for companies active across the telecom value chain in Asia-Pacific and for new companies that may be considering entering the market.

This product is part of Publisher's new 'on demand' range. These reports are built on the foundation of the most up-to-date data at the moment of purchase, guaranteeing their sensitivity to the current state of the market, and facilitating informed business decisions that can be made with the utmost of confidence. Delivered within two working days, these 'on demand' products combine Publisher's rigorous methodology with a new level of reactivity to the market, making them an exciting addition to our portfolio, and an even more useful resource for your organization.

Key Findings
  • Demographics - Statistical data on Asia-Pacific population, households, businesses, nominal GDP, nominal GDP per Capita, consumer price inflation, exchange rates (local currency and US dollar)
  • Mobile subscriptions and penetration by population
  • Mobile handset sales by quarter
  • Mobile handset revenue and average selling price
  • Mobile handset sales volume by: type of customer, category, price band, technology and generation, air interface and by feature

This report offers a concise breakdown of Asia-Pacific operating environment, with both historic data and forecasts to 2015. The report contains quantitative data which covers:
  • Demographics - data on Asia-Pacific population, households, businesses, nominal GDP, nominal GDP per Capita, consumer price inflation, exchange rates (local currency and US dollar)
  • Mobile subscriptions and penetration by population
  • Mobile handset sales by quarter
  • Mobile handset revenue and average selling price
  • Mobile handset sales volume by: type of customer, category, price band, technology and generation, air interface and by feature

Spanning over 34 pages, 25 tables and 24 figures “Asia-Pacific Smartphone Market to 2015 - Mobile Handset Sales by Technology and by Generation” report covering the Demographics, Mobile Handset Revenue And Average Selling Price, Mobile Subscriptions And Penetration, Mobile Handset Sales Analysis, Appendix

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