Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Virtualized Datacenter - Hardware and Software Markets: 2014 - 2019, New Report Launched

Virtualized Datacenter: Hardware and Software Markets: 2014 - 2019

Datacenter virtualization represents a flexible, elastic and cost effective alternative physical datacenter operations. Datacenter virtualization is achieved through two methods. The first is virtualization of computing infrastructure, storage networks, and associated security and management components. Server virtualization, followed by storage, and then network are the precursors leading virtualization on a broader scale. Another aspect of virtual datacenters is through a layer of software above virtualized hardware termed as software defined datacenter.

Publisher research evaluates the market for datacenter virtualization with an emphasis on hardware and software components. This report assesses the market opportunities for vendors, solution providers, and cloud service providers including IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. The report includes forecasts for all key areas: overall virtualization market, integrated virtualized datacenters, and virtualized components including hardware, software, and software control.

Target Audience:
  • Network operators
  • Datacenter operators
  • Infrastructure providers
  • Managed service providers
  • Cloud and virtualization companies
  • Associations and technology groups
  • Corporate and institutional investors

Report Benefits:
  • Hardware and Software Forecasts 2014 – 2019
  • Identify the drivers for H/W and S/W virtualization
  • Key market predictions for datacenter virtualization
  • Identify leading solutions for datacenter virtualization
  • Understand the steps involved in datacenter virtualization
  • Understand the impact of datacenter virtualization on enterprise
  • Identify leading companies and emerging players in virtualization

Spanning over 60 pages, “Virtualized Datacenter: Hardware and Software Markets: 2014 - 2019” report covering the Executive Summary, Introduction, Virtual Datacenter Technology, Companies And Solutions, Markets For Virtualized Datacenters. The report covered companies are - AMD, Amazon, Avaya, BMC Software Inc., Calient Technologies, Cisco System Inc., Citrix Systems Inc., Dell Inc., EMC Corporation, Google, HP, IBM, Intel, Microsoft Corporation, NEC Corp, NetApp, Nicira, Nimbox, OpenStack, Oracle Inc., Palo Alto Corp., Piston Cloud Computing Inc., Rackspace, RedHat, SAP SE, VMware

See Table of contents & Purchase this publication at: -   http://mrr.cm/ZXk

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