Friday 22 August 2014

Solomon Islands - Mobile Operators See Opportunities for Growth, Reveals New Report

Solomon Islands - Telecoms Mobile and Broadband - Market Insights and Statistics

The Solomon Islands is a small Pacific island country covering 1,000 small islands with nine larger ones. The populace with under 600,000 inhabitants is mainly Melanesian, while GNI per capita is among the lowest in the region, while economic growth projections to 2015 are encouraging.

Solomon Island's fixed-line teledensity is among the lowest in the South Pacific islands and has receded as mobile subscriptions have increased. Mobile phone penetration, however is above the regional average while mobile broadband penetration rates have increased, yet remain lower than the lowest of an OECD member country.

Our Telekom's operates in the fixed-line, internet and in the TV broadcasting sector and is also a partner in the Solomons Oceanic Cable Company. The SOCC aims to have a submarine cable connected to the major populated islands by 2014-2015. Until the under-sea connectivity to the global markets is achieved, the low penetration rates and prohibitive telecommunication costs will continue to stymie ICT driven economic gains that will be obtainable with faster connectivity.

In the mobile sector, the second operator, Bemobile aims to increases its market share as it has partnered with global mobile operator Vodafone. The partly privatised incumbent's mobile division Our Telekom will now try to remain the major operator in the country.

Spanning over 21 pages, Solomon Islands - Telecoms Mobile and Broadband - Market Insights and Statistics” report covering the Executive summary, Key statistics, Country overview, Telecommunications market, Regulatory environment, Fixed network operator in Solomon Islands, Telecommunications infrastructure, Internet and broadband market, Digital media / broadcasting, Mobile communications.

For more information see at -

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