Friday 8 August 2014

Taiwanese Large-area TFT-LCD Panel Industry, 3Q 2014, New Report Launched

Taiwanese Large-area TFT-LCD Panel Industry, 3Q 2014

This research report presents shipment volume and value forecast and recent quarter review of the Taiwanese large-area TFT-LCD panel industry. The report includes shipment volume, value, ASP, shipment by application, etc. The report provides product mix analyses including monitor, notebook PC, and LCD TV panel. The content of this report is based on primary data obtained through interviews with large-area TFT-LCD panel manufacturers. The report finds that the Taiwanese large-area TFT-LCD panel industry's shipment volume grew 9.4% sequentially and 1.4% year-on-year in the second quarter of 2014, to around 59.9 million units. The industry's shipment volume is expected to slip 8.9% sequentially to arrive at 54.6 million units in the third quarter.

Spanning over 21 pages, “Taiwanese Large-area TFT-LCD Panel Industry, 3Q 2014” report covering the Taiwanese Large-area TFT-LCD Panel Shipment Volume, 2Q 2012 - 4Q 2014, Taiwanese Large-area TFT-LCD Panel Shipment Value and ASP, 2Q 2012 - 4Q 2014, Taiwanese Large-area TFT-LCD Panel Manufacturer Volume Ranking, 2Q 2012 - 2Q 2014, Taiwanese Large-area TFT-LCD Panel Shipment Volume by Application, 2Q 2012 - 2Q 2014, Taiwanese Large-area TFT-LCD Panel Shipment Share by Application,  2Q 2012 - 2Q 2014, Taiwanese Large-area TFT-LCD Monitor Panel Shipment Volume by Size, 2Q 2012 - 2Q 2014, Taiwanese Large-area TFT-LCD Monitor Panel Shipment Share by Size, 2Q 2012 - 2Q 2014, Taiwanese Large-area TFT-LCD Monitor Panel Shipment Share by Aspect, 2Q 2012 - 2Q 2014, Taiwanese Large-area TFT-LCD Notebook PC Panel Shipment Volume by Size, 2Q 2012 - 2Q 2014, Taiwanese Large-area TFT-LCD Notebook PC Panel Shipment Share by Size, 2Q 2012 - 2Q 2014, Taiwanese Large-area TFT-LCD TV Panel Shipment Volume by Size, 2Q 2012 - 2Q 2014, Taiwanese Large-area TFT-LCD TV Panel Shipment Share by Size, 2Q 2012 - 2Q 2014, Taiwanese Large-area TFT-LCD Panel ASP by Application Size, 2Q 2012 - 2Q 2014, Research Scope & Definitions. The report covered companies - AUO, CPT, Innolux, Hannstar

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