Friday, 31 January 2014

Switzerland - Telecoms, IP Networks, Digital Media and Forecasts, New Report Launched

Switzerland - Telecoms, IP Networks, Digital Media and Forecasts

This report provides a comprehensive overview of trends and developments in Switzerland’s telecommunications market. The report analyses the mobile, internet, broadband, digital TV and converging media sectors. Subjects include:
  • Market and industry analyses, trends and developments
  • Facts, figures and statistics
  • Industry and regulatory issues
  • Infrastructure
  • Major Players, Revenues, Subscribers, ARPU, MoU
  • Internet, VoIP, IPTV
  • Mobile Voice and Data Markets
  • Broadband (FttH, DSL, cable TV, wireless)
  • Convergence and Digital Media
  • 3G subscriber and mobile ARPU forecasts to 2015
  • Broadband market forecasts for selective years to 2020

Key developments:
  • Multiple band spectrum auction raises CHF996 million
  • Swisscom launches M2M services
  • Cablecom provides backhaul services for Orange’s LTE network
  • Regulator redefines wholesale access prices based on fibre infrastructure
  • Swisscom appoints new CEO
  • Sunrise launches Sunrise TV service
  • Updates IPTV functionality
  • UPC Cablecom acquires 1005 of the cableco Telecarouge
  • Regulatory measures eliminate FttP network duplication
  • Increase minimum internet speed on Swisscom’s USO
  • Swisscom signs its twelfth FttP network construction sharing contract
  • Plans for one million households to be connected to FttP by 2015
  • Launches 1Gb/s service
  • Laussane to be connected with FttP by 2017
  • Swisscom contracts Huawei for FttS network upgrade
  • Regulator’s 2012 market report
  • Telcos’ operating and financial data to Q3 2013
  • Market developments to January 2014

Executive Summary
Swisscom launches 1Gb/s FttP service, plans to extend fibre to one million premises by 2015Switzerland currently has the highest broadband penetration rates in the world. It also has a competitive mobile market served by a triopoly of international players. The country’s mountainous topography helped to establish a number of cable networks, and although in recent years DSL became the preferred means for accessing broadband and bundled services the platform’s dominance is being eroded by the rapidly emerging fibre-optic sector, spearheaded by Swisscom and a number of regional utility companies. Although not a member of the EU, the country’s economic integration has meant that its telecom market deregulation has followed the EU’s liberalisation framework, including the recent regulations on international voice roaming. This report presents a statistical profile of Switzerland’s fixed network, ass assessing the regulatory environment and noting the status of local loop unbundling as well as the provision of broadband as a universal service. It also evaluates the strategies and performance of major service providers Swisscom, UPC Cablecom and Sunrise, and looks ahead to market developments in coming years.

In the broadband sector, UPC Cablecom’s extension of 100Mb/s services since 2010 has spurred Swisscom to intensify its VDSL network rollout as well as invest more fulsomely in its national fibre network in a bid to remain competitive. To this end, Swisscom has set aside for fibre networks a significant proportion of its planned CHF8 billion infrastructure investment to 2015. Much of this has been facilitated by cooperative deals struck with regional utilities. The report profiles the main players in the DSL, cable, fibre and wireless sectors, detailing technological developments for the provision of bundled services. It also provides subscriber forecasts to 2020 and examines regulatory issues surrounding municipal fibre, legislation providing for local loop unbundling, and the provision of broadband as a universal service.

Switzerland’s digital TV infrastructure supports one of Europe’s more developed markets for converged media. Many areas of the country have switched from analogue to digital TV transmission, paving the way for digital dividend spectrum to be used for other services including mobile TV and mobile broadband.

The mobile market has undergone considerable change in recent years, with two of the three mobile network operators changing ownership. The second player Sunrise, having had its merger with Orange blocked by regulatory authorities, was acquired by a private equity firm and has since bought up two of the main MVNOs in the market. Mobile penetration is on a par with the European average while mobile data use among consumers has increased rapidly. Operators have upgraded their networks with high-end mobile technologies in a bid to encourage consumer use of mobile data services, thus providing some stability to otherwise declining ARPU. The regulator has encouraged operators to collaborate on a shared LTE network, so reducing investment costs, while all MNOs had launched commercial LTE services by mid-2013. In addition, GSM spectrum has been allocated for 3G use, thus enabling network operators to extend their 3G reach. A range of spectrum bands auctioned in 2012 has further enhanced operator abilities to improve mobile broadband offerings. Mobile TV has also progressed, with Swisscom Broadcast having been awarded a national mobile TV licence using the DVB-H standard.

Spanning over 85 pages, 96 Tables and 21 Charts “Switzerland Telecoms, IP Networks, Digital Media and Forecasts” report provide Key Statistics, Telecommunications Market, Regulatory Environment, Fixed Network Operators, Telecommunications Infrastructure, Broadband Market, Digital Media, Mobile Communications, Forecasts and the report cover 17 companies Swisscom, Sunrise, Cybernet, UPC Cablecom, Hospitality Services, Orange Switzerland, Swisscom Mobile, Zirkumflex, Migros, Coop Mobile, Lycamobile, Abalon Telecom, Mobilezone Yallo, Lebara, The Phone House, United Mobile Liechtenstein, M-Budget Mobile.

Portugal - Telecoms, IP Networks, Digital Media and Forecasts, New Report Launched

Portugal - Telecoms, IP Networks, Digital Media and Forecasts

This report provides a comprehensive overview of trends and developments in Portugal’s telecommunications market. The report analyses the mobile, internet, broadband, digital TV and converging media sectors. Subjects include:
  • Market and industry analyses, trends and developments
  • Facts, figures and statistics
  • Industry and regulatory issues
  • Infrastructure
  • Major Players, Revenues, Subscribers, ARPU, MoU
  • Internet, VoIP, IPTV
  • Mobile Voice and Data Markets
  • Broadband (FttH, DSL, cable TV, wireless)
  • Convergence and Digital Media
  • 3G subscriber and mobile ARPU forecasts to 2015
  • Broadband market forecasts for selective years to 2020

Key developments:
  • PT eliminates special rights granted to the government’s golden shares
  • AR Telecom exits residential market
  • ZON Multimédia and Optimus merge
  • PT starts process to merge with the Brazilian telco Oi
  • PT opens Europe’s largest data centre
  • Fibre sector showing strongest growth
  • Accounting for 75% of all new subscribers
  • Cogeco sells Cabovisão
  • A quarter of households take bundled service
  • PT launches quad-play service
  • LTE commercial launches
  • m-payment solution developments
  • Orange sells its 20% stake in Optimus
  • Regulator’s market data to Q3 2013
  • Telcos’ operating and  financial data to Q3 2013
  • Market developments to January 2014

Executive Summary
Merger activity sees creation of ZON Optimus as a full service telcoPortugal’s medium-sized telecom market has a strong mobile sector and a growing broadband customer base well served by both the cable and DSL platforms. The country’s difficult economic conditions have operators’ domestic revenue fall in recent quarters. Cogeco Cable sold the flagging Cabovisão in early 2012 for a considerable loss, while the market has also seen significant merger activity, with Sonaecom’s Optimus division being merged with ZON Multimédia in mid-2013, becoming ZON Optimus. The report introduces the major elements of the Portuguese telecom market, presenting statistics on the fixed telephony sector as well as an analysis of the major market players. Additional information is provided on the key regulatory issues, noting the status of interconnection, local loop unbundling, number portability and carrier preselection.

In the broadband sector, cable has showed strong growth in recent years. The incumbent, Portugal Telecom, and its subsidiaries control most of the DSL market, but new regulatory provisions have granted easier and cheaper access for alternative ISPs. All operators are focussing on increased broadband speeds, while the regulator has maintained the impetus for local loop unbundling. The fibre market remains underdeveloped, though regulatory measures coupled with substantial investments among operators should see significant growth in coming years.

Portugal has seen considerable development in the converged services market. The switch to digital TV broadcasting was completed in April 2012. Portugal Telecom’s quad-play service, launched in 2013, has tapped into the popularity of bundled offerings. The report assesses the major elements of the Portuguese market for converged media, presenting statistics on the cable, digital and satellite TV markets and an analysis of the major players and service offerings.

Portugal’s mobile market is served by a triopoly of MNOs, the incumbent’s TMN, Vodafone, and now ZON Optimus. Mobile penetration is above the EU average, while growth has been supported through the popular use of multiple SIM cards. All operators have invested in LTE networks in a bid to capitalise on mobile data services, and so offset declining voice revenue. The MVNO market remains undeveloped, though network operators have their own low-cost brands. The report profiles Portugal’s mobile market, providing statistics on network operators, a review of the key regulatory issues, a snapshot of the consumer market, and an analysis of mobile data services including SMS, Push-to-Talk and mobile TV.

Spanning over 81 pages, 105 Tables, 29 Charts and 1 Exhibit “Portugal - Telecoms, IP Networks, Digital Media and Forecasts” report provide Key Statistics, Telecommunications Market, Regulatory Environment, Fixed Network Operators, Telecommunications Infrastructure, Broadband Market, Digital Media, Mobile Communications, Forecasts and the report cover 7 companies - Portugal Telecom, Sonaecom, Cabovisão, Vodafone, ZON Multimedia, TMN, Optimus

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Norway - Telecoms, IP Networks, Digital Media and Forecasts, New Report Launched

Norway - Telecoms, IP Networks, Digital Media and Forecasts

This report provides a comprehensive overview of trends and developments in Norway’s telecommunications market. The report analyses the mobile, internet, broadband, digital TV and converging media sectors. Subjects include:
  • Market and industry analyses, trends and developments
  • Facts, figures and statistics
  • Industry and regulatory issues
  • Infrastructure
  • Major Players, Revenues, Subscribers, ARPU, MoU
  • Internet, VoIP, IPTV
  • Mobile Voice and Data Markets
  • Broadband (FttH, DSL, cable TV, wireless)
  • Convergence and Digital Media
  • 3G subscriber and mobile ARPU forecasts to 2015;Broadband market forecasts for selective years to 2020

Key developments:
  • Multi-spectrum auction results
  • SMS traffic falls for the first time through smartphone messaging alternatives
  • LTE network contract developments
  • MNOs set up m-commerce joint venture; regulator issues 2GHz spectrum auction rules
  • Launches consultation on digital dividend auction; telecom market revenue falls in H1 2013
  • Telenor phases out PSTN infrastructure
  • TeliaSonera sells NextGenTel broadband business
  • Smart grid updates
  • Thor 7 satellite launch
  • Thor 2 de-orbited
  • Broadband revenue growth slows
  • Mobile broadband subscriber base increasing
  • Ventelo restructures business divisions
  • Altibox launches mobile broadband
  • Accenture awarded five-year contract to build an electronic health record system
  • Regulator’s market data to June 2013
  • Telcos’ operating and financial data to Q3 2013
  • Market developments to January 2014

Executive Summary
Market consolidation sees TeliaSonera exit the broadband sectorIn common with other Scandinavian countries, Norway has a sophisticated telecom market with high broadband and mobile penetration rates and a well developed digital TV sector. Although not a member of the European Union, its telecoms sector is synchronised with relevant EC legislation. Telenor and Tele2 are the dominant operators in all sectors, though there is increasing competition from new entrants. The report introduces the key elements of Norway’s telecom market, providing statistics and an overview of the regulatory environment, the fixed network operators and their services, and telecom infrastructure.

In the broadband sector a number of smaller operators and resellers compete against the main players Telenor and NextGenTel (sold to Telio in 2013). Mobile broadband has become a key development in recent years, with LTE networks among the most advanced in the world. The report profiles Norway’s fixed and wireless broadband markets, together with developments in related technologies such as Broadband Powerline, wireless broadband, and internet via satellite. It also provides broadband forecasting scenarios to 2012 and 2020, and assesses the strategies of the main players.

Norway’s small but sophisticated broadcasting market became all-digital by the end of 2009. The main operators have focussed on upgrading fixed-line networks to ADSL2+ and VDSL2 in recent years, providing a solid infrastructure for delivering bundled services.

The mobile market is dominated by the triopoly of Telenor Mobile, TeliaSonera’s NetCom and the new player Mobile Norway. Services from these operators are supplemented by those from a growing number of MVNOs. A new entrant, backed by, secured spectrum at the December 2013 auction. The market is well advanced in LTE/4G developments, with both Telenor and NetCom spearheading networks in the region. Mobile Norway, a joint venture now controlled by Tele2, also adds to the competitive mix. Nordisk Mobiltelefon, recovered from its bankruptcy in early 2009, operates a 3G network in the 450MHz band. The report profiles the mobile voice and data market, providing statistics on the main operators, a review of the key regulatory issues, and a snapshot of the consumer market for services such as SMS, mobile TV and mobile broadband.

Spanning over 88 pages, 119 Tables, 29 Charts and 2 Exhibits “Norway - Telecoms, IP Networks, Digital Media and Forecasts” report provide Key Statistics, Telecommunications Market, Regulatory Environment, Fixed Network Operators, Telecommunications Infrastructure, Broadband Market, Digital Media, Mobile Communications, Forecasts and the report cover 14 companies - Telenor Group, NextGenTel, Lyse, NetCom, Nordisk Mobiltelefon, ViaSat, Canal Digital, Get, TeliaSonera, BaneTele, Tele2, Telenor Mobile, Mobile Norway, Teletopia.

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Pharmaceutical Business Confidence Report Q1 2014, New Report Launched

Pharmaceutical Business Confidence Report Q1 2014
Pharmaceutical Business Confidence Report Q1 2014 is a new report that analyzes pharmaceutical industry executives views on the global economy, expectations on customer confidence, supplier prices, key business concerns, and how executives’ future investments are set to change in Q1 2014. This report also gives you access to regional analysis of industry outlook, industry and company growth prospects, future opportunities, staff hiring, and sales performance. Apart from providing access to the opinions and strategies of global pharmaceutical industry executives, it also examines their actions surrounding business priorities, threats and opportunities, and future investment areas over the next six months. Moreover, this report provides a comparative analysis of survey results with Q4 2013 wherever applicable.

Introduction and Landscape
Why was the report written?
This report is the result of an extensive survey drawn from Kable’s exclusive panel of leading global pharmaceutical industry executives. The report analyzes current economic conditions prevailing across the globe and their impact on the pharmaceutical industry, and forecasts company and industry growth prospects over the next six months. Furthermore, it provides information about the impact of customer confidence, supplier prices, and staff headcount likely to affect the investment decisions of the industry over the next six months. Additionally, this report tracks the change in executives’ perceptions during the last three months, by providing a comparative analysis of survey results with the previous quarter.

What is the current market landscape and what is changing?
Overall, 74% and 60% of global pharmaceutical industry executives are optimistic about the future growth prospects of both their company and the industry, respectively, over the next six months. Optimism towards company and industry growth prospects has improved by eight and ten percentage points, respectively, in Q1 2014, compared to Q4 2013 results.

What are the key drivers behind recent market changes?
Optimism towards industry and company growth is driven by the improving global economic conditions, investments in emerging markets, and the introduction of new products in the market.

What makes this report unique and essential to read?
'Pharmaceutical Business Confidence Report Q1 2014' is a new report by Kable that analyzes the industry sentiments globally on the latest economic and customer issues and their impact upon investment decisions and growth prospects within the pharmaceutical industry. This report also examines the executive opinion about the current and future state of the economy and its retrospective effect on the industry. Furthermore, it analyzes the likely effect of supplier price changes, sales performance, and staff headcount within the industry over the next six months. In addition, it provides an overview of the key priorities, threats, and opportunities for the global pharmaceutical industry over the next six months. Furthermore, it also tracks the change in industry executives’ thought process, by providing a comparative analysis of survey results with Q4 2013, wherever applicable.

Key Features and Benefits:
  • Project industry trends and industry growth expectations in the next six months, and understand business confidence to make informed business decisions.
  • The report drives revenues by understanding future product investment areas and key growth regions.
  • Readers will be provided with a clear uncovering of key challenges and opportunities, and identify the key priorities likely to affect growth prospects of the industry.
  • The report clearly forecasts the change in supplier prices for various products, which are likely to influence the industry’s growth prospects over the next six months.
  • Identifies the major changes in customer confidence levels in the pharmaceutical industry over the next six months.

Key Market Issues:
  • According to pharmaceutical industry respondents, the present economic conditions in Africa and the Middle East are deemed to be unfavourable. In the Q4 2013 survey, similar opinions were recorded.
  • New government proposals/legislation, competition from new entrants, state of global economy, and performance of the Eurozone are the key concerns among global pharmaceutical industry executives.
  • Survey respondents forecast that supplier prices for raw materials will increase at an average of 4.1%, with those from Asia-Pacific expecting the biggest rise.
  • In total, 52% of global pharmaceutical industry executives anticipate either ‘no change’ or a ‘negative’ change in customer confidence over the industry, in the next six months.
  • Industry executives exhibit high levels of optimism towards company growth prospects compared to industry growth prospects, in the next six months

Key Highlights:
  • Of respondents, 66% anticipate a positive change in the global economic outlook over the next six months. In comparison to previous quarter, the percentage of respondents who expect a positive change has increased by eighteen percentage points.
  • Pharmaceutical industry executives plan to increase investments in the areas of new product development and marketing in the next six months.
  • Executives operating in the Rest of the World and Asia-pacific anticipate the highest average sales increase of 6.4% and 4.5%, respectively, over the next six months.
  • Industry executives operating in the Rest of the World and Europe anticipate an average increase of 3.2% and 2.2%, respectively, in their current workforce.
  • Executives operating across the globe consider ‘increasing sales’, ‘improving operational efficiency’, and ‘customer retention’ as key priorities over the next six months.

The report covered 6 companies- Merck Serono, Salix Pharmaceuticals, Santarus Inc., AstraZeneca, Pearl Therapeutics, GlaxoSmithKline.

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Thursday, 30 January 2014

The Taiwanese Tablet Application IC Market, 4Q 2013 and Beyond, New Report Launched

The Taiwanese Tablet Application IC Market, 4Q 2013 and Beyond
The proliferation of low-priced tablets released onto the market has boosted the share of tablets powered by price competitive APs (Application Processors) from MediaTek or Chinese manufacturers in the fourth quarter of 2013. And the adoption share of integrated wireless communications IC solutions was also increased as those solutions are not only price competitive but also can help branded vendors shorten time-to-market. This report profiles the development of AP and wireless communications IC solution manufacturers and their future trends are further examined.

List of Topics
  • Taiwanese tablet application processor market volume forecast during the period 4Q 2013 – 3Q 2014 
  • Development of the tablet application IC market, comprising of application processors and wireless communications ICs supporting Wi-Fi and 3G/4G technologies, with the relations between tablet branded vendors and their corresponding contract manufacturers elaborated.

Spanning over 17 pages, 3 Tables and 2 Figures “The Taiwanese Tablet Application IC Market, 4Q 2013 and Beyond” report provide Application Processor Market Development, Wireless Communications IC Market Development, MIC Perspective, Appendix  and the report also cover 20 companies -  Acer, Amazon, Apple, ASUS, Broadcom, Compal, Foxconn, Google, Huawei, Intel, Inventec, Mediatek, Pegatron, Qualcomm,  Quanta, Realtek, Rockchip, Samsung, ST-Ericsson, Wistron.

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The Taiwanese Mobile Phone Industry, 4Q 2013: Branded Vendors, New Report Launched

The Taiwanese Mobile Phone Industry, 4Q 2013: Branded Vendors

This research report presents mobile phone shipment volume forecast and recent quarter review of major Taiwanese branded vendors. The report includes shipment volume and value, ASP, vendor volume ranking, shipment by brands, and price trend. Also provided are shipment breakdowns by system technology, operating system, display technology, panel size, shipment destination, and production location. The content of this report is based on primary data obtained through interviews with Taiwanese mobile phone branded vendors. The report finds that the shipment volume of Taiwanese branded mobile phones shrank 36.1% sequentially to around 4.39 million units in the third quarter of 2013, mainly due to international rivals' new flagship product rollouts, such as Apple iPhone 5S/5C and Samsung Galaxy Note 3. In China, Taiwanese vendors, who do not have strong brand image, are expected to lose ground under siege of many emerging Chinese vendors. Looking ahead to the first half of 2014, shipment volume of the Taiwanese branded mobile phones will reach around 8.52 million units, down 29% year on year.

This report content –

1-  Taiwanese Mobile Phone Shipment Volume, 1Q 2011 - 3Q 2014
2-  Taiwanese Mobile Phone Shipment Value and ASP, 1Q 2011 - 3Q 2014
3-  Taiwanese Branded Mobile Phone Manufacturer Volume Ranking, 1Q 2011 - 3Q 2013 
4-  Taiwanese Mobile Phone Branded Vendors' Shipment Volume by Brands, 1Q 2011 - 3Q 2013
5-  Taiwanese Mobile Phone Branded Vendors' Shipment Share by Brands, 1Q 2011 - 3Q 2013
6-  Taiwanese Branded Mobile Phone Shipment Volume by System Technology, 1Q 2011 - 3Q 2013 
7-  Taiwanese Branded Mobile Phone Shipment Share by System Technology, 1Q 2011 - 3Q 2013
 8-  Taiwanese Branded Mobile Phone Shipment Volume by Price Point, 1Q 2011 - 3Q 2013
9-  Taiwanese Branded Mobile Phone Shipment Share by Price Point, 1Q 2011 - 3Q 2013
10- Taiwanese Branded Smartphone Shipment Volume by Operating System, 1Q 2011 - 3Q 2013
11- Taiwanese Branded Smartphone Shipment Share by Operating System, 1Q 2011 - 3Q 2013
12- Taiwanese Branded Mobile Phone Shipment Volume by Display Types, 1Q 2011 - 3Q 2013
13- Taiwanese Branded Mobile Phone Shipment Share by Display Types, 1Q 2011 - 3Q 2013
14- Taiwanese Branded Mobile Phone Shipment Volume by Panel Size, 1Q 2011 - 3Q 2013
15- Taiwanese Branded Mobile Phone Shipment Share by Panel Size, 1Q 2011 - 3Q 2013
16- Taiwanese Branded Mobile Phone Shipment Volume by Shipment Destinations, 1Q 2011 - 3Q 2013
17- Taiwanese Branded Mobile Phone Shipment Share by Shipment Destinations, 1Q 2011 - 3Q 2013
18- Taiwanese Branded Mobile Phone Shipment Volume by Production Locations, 1Q 2011 - 3Q 2013
19- Taiwanese Branded Mobile Phone Shipment Share by Producation Locations, 1Q 2011 - 3Q 2013
20- Intelligence Insight 
21- Research Scope & Definitions

The report cover 21 companies- Acer, Apple, Asus, China Mobile, Freescale, Gigabyte, Gionee, Google, Honor, HTC, Huawei, IUNI, Microsoft, Motorola, Nokia Lumia, NXP, Qualcomm, Samsung, STMicroelectronics, Texas Instruments, Xiaomi.

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Current Development and Future Trends of 3D Printing Materials, New Report Launched

Current Development and Future Trends of 3D Printing Materials

Acclaimed as the force to trigger the third industrial revolution, 3D printing has received worldwide attention. Vendors are developing a wide range of 3D printing technologies suitable for diverse applications. Recently, with several key patents expired, low-cost 3D printers have become available and therefore spurred the growth in SOHO 3D printing market and printing materials. This report profiles the current development and future trends of important 3D printing materials, with their properties and applications provided.

List of Topics
  • Overview of the current development of 3D printing technology and market volume review, touching on the impact of the availability low-cost 3D printers, comprehensive software and services, and a wide range of materials 
  • Profiles of mainstream 3D printing materials, including plastic materials (PLA, ABS, PVA, PA, etc.), metal materials, and other materials (wood fiber, ceramics, sand, gypsum, and paper) 
  • Highlights of emerging 3D printing materials, such as liquid metals, graphene, carbomorph, and biological tissue (hydroxyapatite and hydrogels), and their potential applications 
  • Major trends observed in the development of 3D printing material market, including the popularity of 3D printers using FDM and SLA technologies as their patents expired, and the huge potential expected for the biological printing materials.

Spanning over 23 pages and 9 Figures “Current Development and Future Trends of 3D Printing Materials” report provide Development of 3D Printing Technologies, 3D Printing Material Market Volume, Current Development of 3D Printing Materials, New 3D Printing Materials under Development, MIC Perspectives, Appendix and the report cover 20 companies -American Graphite Technologies, Autodesk, Fenner Drives, Fraunhofer IGB, Google, Graphene 3D Labs Inc., Graphene Laboratories Inc., Liquidmetal Technologies Inc., Lomiko Metals, Materialise, North Carolina State University, Pinterest, Pitotech, Shapeways, Stratasys, Taulman, University of California, Los Angeles, University of Warwick, Voxeljet.

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Wednesday, 29 January 2014

$15 billion Opportunity in LTE infrastructure Market in 2014, Reveals New Report

The LTE, LTE-Advanced & 5G Ecosystem: 2014 - 2020

latest report indicates that LTE infrastructure spending is expected to account for nearly $15 Billion by the end of 2014.

With over 265 fully commercial network launches, LTE adoption has considerably gained momentum throughout the globe, and a number of carriers have already deployed LTE-A features such as carrier aggregation. SNS Research estimates that LTE service revenues will account for $103 Billion in 2014. Revenues are further expected to grow at a CAGR of 40% over the next 6 years.

Driven by these revenue prospects, operators continue to aggressively invest in LTE infrastructure, encompassing macrocell base stations (eNBs), small cells and EPC/mobile core equipment. LTE infrastructure spending is expected to account for nearly $15 Billion by the end of 2014.

The “LTE, LTE-Advanced & 5G Ecosystem: 2014 – 2020 – Infrastructure, Devices, Subscriptions & Operator Revenue” report presents an in-depth assessment of the LTE, LTE-A and emerging 5G ecosystem including key market drivers, challenges, operator revenue potential, infrastructure/device deployment commitments, future roadmap, value chain, vendor market share and strategies. The report also presents revenue and shipment market size and forecasts for both infrastructure and devices, along with subscription and service revenue projections for the LTE market as a whole, as well as separate projections for the TD-LTE and LTE FDD sub-markets from 2014 through to 2020. Historical figures are also presented for 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013.

The report comes with an associated Excel datasheet suite covering quantitative data from all numeric forecasts presented in the report.

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Chinese Smartphone Sales Stand over 320 Million Units in Full Year 2013, According to New Report

Chinese Smartphone Market Development 4Q 2013

Chinese Smartphone market in the third quarter of 2013 reached around 87.4 million units, up 13.4% sequentially. Overall, Chinese smartphone sales totaled around 230.5 million units in the first three quarters of 2013, up 93.3% year on year. It is projected that the overall smartphone sales will stand at or over 320 million units in full year 2013.

Looking at market share by branded vendors, international brands – Samsung, Apple, and HTC all saw declines in market share in the third quarter of 2013. As for Chinese branded vendors, Lenovo posted the highest market share of 13.7%, further narrowing its gap between the market leader, Samsung to less than five percentage points.

Highlights of each vendor’s status:

Samsung: In the third quarter of 2013, Samsung continued to lead the Chinese smartphone market with the largest market share of 18.3%. Compared to the same period in 2012, its sales volume nearly doubled.

Apple: Apple was barely able to hold its market share in China in the third quarter of 2013 with the launch of iPhone 5S and 5C in September last year. The iPhone 5S and 5C have been granted access licenses by China's MIIT and will be sold by Apple's first-time partner China Mobile, along with other partners. China Mobile's enormous subscriber base is anticipated to stimulate a significant growth in Apple's market share in China.

Lenovo: Lenovo's share in the Chinese smartphone market has reached 13.7%, only second to Samsung's 18.3%. Since the three major Chinese telecom operators have a great influence over the local market, a good relationship with them plays a crucial role to Lenovo, who depends heavily on telecom operators' distribution channels.

Huawei: As a late comer in the branded smartphone business, Huawei has garnered 9.1% of the Chinese smartphone market and 4.7% of the worldwide market in the third quarter of 2013, ranking fourth globally behind Samsung, Apple, and Lenovo.

HTC: HTC targets mainly at the mid-range and high-end smartphone market segments. With its goal to build brand image, HTC is yet to have any deployment strategy for the entry-level segment. To secure its market share of smartphones priced at or over 4,000 RMB, HTC has continued to launch new Butterfly and One series.

Xiaomi: Xiaomi used to release a flagship product every six months or so. In mid-2013, Xiaomi launched two Smartphone, namely the flagship MI3 and a value-line model Hongmi. Both Smartphone embodied Xiaomi's core value proposition: high specs at an affordable price.

Chinese Smartphone Market Volume, 1Q 2011 - 3Q 2013

Million Units
Chinese Smartphone Market Volume, 1Q 2011 - 3Q 2013

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Embedded System Industry Forecast Global Market Analysis and Trends 2014-2019

Embedded System Industry Forecast Global Market Analysis and Trends 2014-2019

Embedded systems are specialized computer systems that are part of a larger system or machine. Virtually all modern consumer electronics and appliances utilized embedded computing including as watches, MP3 players, cell phones, microwaves, dishwasher, security systems, video entertainment systems (DVD player, console, set-top box), and more. Some embedded systems include an operating system, but many are so specialized that the entire logic can be implemented as a single program.

Embedded systems are critical in many industries and are found in large stationary installations (traffic lights, factory controllers, MRI machine, automobiles, etc.) as well as many modern consumer electronics and appliances such as watches, cell phones, microwaves, security systems, video entertainment systems (DVD player, console, set-top box), and more. Some embedded systems include an operating system, but many are so specialized that the entire logic can be implemented as a single program.

This report evaluates the embedded systems market including market drivers, opportunities, and forecast 2014 - 2019. Analysis and forecasts cover the overall market, COTS market and specific component and software segments including AMC/PMC, ATCA, Motherboard, PCI, SBC, Software, software tools, and OS including RTOS.

Target Audience:
  • Wireless device manufacturers
  • Wearable technology suppliers
  • Digital signal processor providers
  • Telephony infrastructure providers
  • Computer and semiconductor companies
  • Embedded hardware, software and OS providers
  • Mobile/wireless network operators and service providers
  • Next generation application developers and content providers
  • Consumer electronics merchandisers and application providers

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Monday, 27 January 2014

Data Centre Pricing in the Netherlands rack is changing with rack space pricing

Data Centre Pricing Netherlands - 2014 to 2019

A new and updated report launched at Market Research Reports, Inc. called DataCentre Pricing Netherlands - 2014 to 2019 surveys the key pricing trends in the Dutch Data Centre market, now the 3rd largest country market in Europe behind the UK & Germany, with almost 380,000 square metres of raised floor space by the end of 2014.  

With the space available pricing for rack space in the Netherlands remain competitive, with more than 50 Data Centre providers with 117 facilities identified in the report, with some operators offering a rent free period of as much as six months for new rack space orders.

Dutch rack space pricing – without power – is forecast to continue the trend of previous years, which has seen a gradual reduction in average market pricing of 1 to 2 per cent per annum. TCL forecasts that standard retail Dutch average rack space rates will decline to Euro 772 per month as of the end of 2014, and will fall further to Euro 750 per month by the end of 2019, with square metre pricing also exhibiting a similar decline of 3 per cent over the 5 year period.

Although Dutch rack space pricing will decline over time there is to be an increase in overall price levels once power or supplementary facility charges are also included. The average price per kilowatt (kW) in the Netherlands is set to increase by 13 per cent over the same 5-year period from 2014 to 2019 – from Euro 262 per month (2014) up to Euro 296 per month (2019) per kW.  

Average Data Centre pricing in the Netherlands will continue to be affected by the introduction of new Data Centre facilities including those being deployed by DRT (Digital Realty Trust), Interxion, KPN, BT Global Services and Global Switch - which alone will launch over 51,000 square metres of new space into the Dutch market from 2014 onwards.

One new trend is for Data Centre facilities to be built outside the Amsterdam area, with Rotterdam alone seeing a cluster of 10 new facilities, but for the most part individual facilities are scattered throughout the Netherlands – and now account for more than half of the market by number of facilities. The new regional facilities typically have lower price points than their Amsterdam counterparts also with discounted pricing.

But the Data Centre facilities based in the Amsterdam area still account for some two-thirds of all Dutch raised floor space. They have considerable pricing power based on a high degree of network connectivity with facilities that can cater for high density IT applications and large amounts of power.

The new report finds that although there is a considerable range of pricing present in the Dutch market, three main pricing models are being deployed.

For example, selected Premium Data Centres are bundling power and space together to maintain a high price point (with up to 4kW or power included in the standard rack space price). But other providers are offering a relatively low cost rack space rental but are charging a supplementary facility charge to cover for cooling and power costs.

Finally, Data Centre providers are metering power based on a kW per hour charge based on usage, but are charging a surcharge of up to double - or more - of the rate for the basic industrial electricity cost received in the Netherlands – in part as a means of compensating for the reduction in average rack space rentals.

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Friday, 24 January 2014

Greece’s continuing economic crisis providing poor prospects for telecom sector revenue growth in 2014

Greece - Telecoms, IP Networks, Digital Media and Forecasts

Despite market liberalisation, some areas of Greece’s telecoms market remain relatively underdeveloped. The fixed-line incumbent OTE continues to dominate all sectors though the telecom regulator has shown increasing success in promoting competition, with local loop unbundling deployed to deliver competing fixed-line services. Promoting competition in the telecom sector was one of the EC’s conditions for Greece’s financial bailout over the last few years. The report introduces the key aspects of the Greek fixed-line telecoms market, outlining the regulatory environment, assessing the major players and providing relevant operational data and financial statistics for the operators and the market.

Broadband penetration in Greece is developing rapidly following the incumbent’s promotion of services and improving competition based on regulatory mandated network access. Increasing broadband uptake and deployment of faster ADSL2+ networks has in turn supported the launch of IP services such as broadband TV. Digital TV services are available via IPTV, satellite and Digital Terrestrial. An increase in internet usage by the broader population is fostering an internet society, with notable developments in the public administration (e-government) sector. Covering these topics, the report offers an insight into Greece’s broadband and digital media markets, presenting overviews of key technologies and market developments, a range of data, and broadband forecasts to 2020.

Greece has a well-developed mobile market characterised by high SIM card penetration. The market is dominated by the three mobile network operators Wind Hellas, Vodafone Greece and OTE’s Cosmote. Tariffs have fallen in recent years as a result of competition and regulatory mandated reductions in MTRs. The recent auction for renewed licences in the 900MHz and 1800MHz bands provided €380 million for the cash-strapped government as well as additional capabilities for MNOs to expand mobile broadband. These operators are focussed on growing revenue through developing the mobile data sector, for which they have concentrated investment in network upgrades for HSPA and LTE. The search for growth has also led Cosmote to pursue merger and acquisition activities in lesser-developed markets within the Balkans region. The struggling Wind Hellas in mid-2013 arranged a network sharing deal with Vodafone by which both operators hoped to cut costs, though Vodafone will not share its LTE infrastructure. The report provides an overview of Greece’s mobile market, covering regulatory and market developments, and the latest financial and operating statistics of the key players.

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