Monday 22 April 2013

Whitehall supplier landscape: The supplier marketplace for ICT across Whitehall

Whitehall supplier landscape: The supplier marketplace for ICT across Whitehall
Whitehall supplier landscape: The supplier marketplace for ICT across Whitehall

This report summarises the Whitehall supplier market place for ICT and looks at areas which have traditionally been thought of as territory of large ICT providers.
This overview of the market competition within the different elements of ICT is intended for those currently working with public sector clients, and those considering this market for the first time.

Introduction and Landscape

This report provides data on Whitehall ICT suppliers and identifies the prime suppliers in this market, providing marketers with the essential tools to understand their own and their competitors' position in the market. Thus allowing them to use the information to accurately identify the areas where they want to compete in the future.  
Bringing together Kable's research, modeling and analysis expertise in order to develop uniquely detailed market data. Allowing companies to identify the market dynamics that account for ICT market and which categories and segments will see growth in the coming years.

Key Features and Benefits

ICT suppliers within Whitehall: including top suppliers within different sectors and responses from organisations. This report summarises ICT suppliers in Whitehall across hardware, software, services and communications. 

Key Market Issues

Gain insight into SMEs involvement with providing ICT solutions to Whitehall. 

Key Highlights

This report explores the ICT market across Whitehall, its current state, its drivers and its evolution. It provides a current sizing of the ICT market and provides information on the increasing contestability of the market. The report focuses on landscape suppliers across Whitehall throughout hardware, software, services and communications.

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