Friday 26 April 2013

Public Safety Broadband Market: Who's on FirstNet?

Public Safety Broadband Market: Who's on FirstNet?
Public Safety Broadband Market: Who's on FirstNet?

This report is an overview of telecom veteran Frank Ohrtman's impressions gained while attending FirstNet's first public board of directors meeting accompanied by a tour of the Public Safety Communications Research labs where evaluated platforms were on full display.

If the success of FirstNet is to be judged by its stated goals, then FirstNet is not technically, financially or politically feasible.

In addition, FirstNet is not a solution for rural broadband. On the other hand, the work of the Public Safety Communications Research lab in evaluating LTE platforms for interoperability is perhaps the most valuable work of FirstNet-related efforts.

Those efforts may point to industry winners and losers not only in the US but in Asia, Latin America and the European Union as well.

Target Audience:
- System Integrators
- Public Safety Agencies
- LTE Radio Manufacturers
- Smartphone Manufacturers
- Cellular Network Operators
- Public Safety Network Operators
- LMR Infrastructure Manufacturers
- Public Safety Application Developers
- Mobile Computing Equipment Manufacturers
- Cellular Network Infrastructure Manufacturers 

Key Findings:
- The goals espoused by FirstNet for the nation-wide network are not feasible.
- FirstNet may not be funded as planned.
- The Public Safety Communications Research serves as a gatekeeper testing for interoperability and other aspects of 4G LTE products for the US public safety market.
- Industry winners: Those with products approved for interoperability in US 4G LTE public safety by PSCR. May lead to acceptance by US public safety buyers. Success here may lead to success in international 4G LTE public safety markets
- Industry losers: Those who do not participate in or fail FirstNet-related interoperability testing

Companies covered in this market research report are-
7Layers Lab, Aeroflex, Agilent, Alcatel-Lucent, Anite,Anritsu, At4 Wireless, CalAmp, Cassidian, Cetecom, Cisco, Elektrobit, FirstNet, General Dynamics, Harris, Inmotion, IPWireless, LGE, Motorola, MSI, NEC, Public Safety Communications Research, Public Wireless, Rohde & Schwarz, US Department of Commerce, Vodafone

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