Wednesday 29 July 2015

UK Data Centre pricing remains stable and despite intense price competition from new regional players, the UK remains the largest Data Centre market in Europe, Finds New Report

Data Centre Pricing UK - 2015 to 2020

The new report analyses the total UK Data Centre market, by raised floor space, customer power and retail pricing (including pricing per rack, square metre and per kW) as of the end of 2015 and for the five-year period to the end of 2020.

The Publisher report is based on a unique analysis of the entire UK Data Centre market, including some 300 Data Centre facilities from 150 providers. It provides a breakdown of space, power and the number of facilities by three key Data Centre segments which are:
i) Carrier Based Data Centre facilities – owned by a telecoms provider
ii) Carrier Neutral Data Centre facilities – owned a specialist independent Data Centre provider
iii) Premium Data Centre facilities – capable of providing power per rack of up to 20 kW

Publisher identifies the following key UK Data Centre trends from the report:
1) Increasingly, new Data Centre facilities are becoming flexible Data Centre facilities which can cater for a wide range of power densities and price points, with high power or low power requirements
2) More and more Data Centre facilities are being built outside of the London/M25 area, with the London/M25 region now accounting for 46 per cent of all UK Data Centre space
3) The UK Data Centre market remains the largest European Data Centre market by space and power – it also has average UK market pricing that is higher than the larger markets in Europe, including Germany, France & the Netherlands
4) Average UK Data Centre retail rack space pricing is currently Euro €939 per month, but there is a wide spread of pricing available in the market, ranging from Euro €500 per month up to Euro €1,600 per month – with the highest pricing available in the London area
5) New Data Centre space continues to be added in the London/M25 area, but the main growth in new space is coming from outside the London/M25 area which benefits from lower land costs – as a result price sensitive customers are migrating from the London area to regional areas.
6) New facilities are available across many cities throughout the UK, with key cities such as Slough and Manchester developing their own Data Centre ecosystem with a range of customers and partners being present.
7) Pricing in the UK remains competitive, with the average UK market pricing disguising considerable variance between regions and wholesale Data Centre providers offering low price points in particular outside the London area.

The forecasts that UK average Data Centre pricing will increase by around 3 per cent over the five-year period from the end of 2015 to the end of 2020. Key UK Data Centre providers have been reducing their pricing and users are now faced with a wide range of choice from regional Data Centre clusters using different price points.

Relatively few UK Data Centre facilities are being built on a speculative basis, as Data Centre providers require anchor tenants in order for the new project to become viable. As the UK Data Centre market reaches maturity, the Data Centre provider is finding a limit on both price increases and also the average customer power being used.

Spanning over 84 pages Data Centre Pricing UK - 2015 to 2020” report covers Executive Summary – UK Data Centre Pricing, Introduction – Data Centre Pricing UK – 2015 to 2020 report,  A market overview of the UK Data Centre market, Pricing for Data Centres in the UK, The future developments in the UK Data Centre market, Conclusions to the UK Data Centre Pricing – 2014 to 2019 Report

For further information on this report, please visit-

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