Monday 13 July 2015

Djibouti Telecom’s HSPA service improving mobile broadband connectivity

Djibouti - Telecoms, Mobile and Broadband - Statistics and Analyses

Djibouti is one of the last countries in the world allowing its national telco, Djibouti Telecom (DT) a monopoly on all telecom services, including fixed lines, mobile, internet and broadband. The lack of competition has meant that the market has not lived up to its potential, although the country has a service-based economy consistently growing at 5 to 6% per year and is one of the best connected for fibre optic international cables the region. Though broadband services in Djibouti remain very expensive, continuing to hold back the full growth potential of the sector, new link to subsea cables will increase bandwidth and encourage a reduction in access prices. Growth in the mobile and internet markets is accelerating in line with DT’s investment in its mobile network. Nevertheless, competition and foreign investment are both required for the telecoms market to show solid development in coming years. In preparation for this, DT itself is forging international alliances.

Key developments:
  • Djibouti remaining one of the fastest growing telecom markets in Africa
  • Submarine connections to improve with the SEA-ME-WE 5 cable by end-2016
  • Growth in the mobile and internet sectors accelerates with 3G launch
  • Gulf Bridge International (GBI) signs MoU to land an extension of its cable to Djibouti.

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