Tuesday 9 August 2016

Internet of Things WAN Market Analysis and Forecasts 2016 – 2021;New Report Launched

Internet of Things (IoT) WAN Market Analysis and Forecasts 2016 - 2021

The 3GPP is standardizing three cellular communications approaches to Wide Area Network (WAN) communications for the Internet of Things (IoT).  These three methods are known as EC-GSM-IoT/3GPP, LTE-M/3GPP, and NB-IoT/3GPP.  There is also a non-cellular alternative Low Power WAN (LPWAN) approach that allows for long range communications at a low bit rate.  LPWAN technologies represent a great threat to incumbent mobile network operators as $10 LPWAN radios are capable of ten-mile ranges with 10-year battery lifetimes.  This provides an attractive alternative to cellular-based communications, especially for certain low-volume transaction applications for IoT.

This research evaluates IoT WAN technologies, companies, and solutions.  The report assesses developments in the IoT WAN ecosystem, analyzes use cases, and provides a view into the future of IoT WAN communications.  The report includes detailed forecasts for cellular and non-cellular IoT WANs 2016 to 2021.

Key Findings:
  • Non-cellular technologies will compete heavily for dense coverage, low-data rate business
  • Cellular IoT WAN will provide greater coverage on a per-unit equipment basis and also optimal roaming
  • Key supporting technologies such as data compression will be critical to the sustainable operation of LPWANs
  • Extended Coverage-GSM-IoT (EC-GSM-IoT) will lead Cellular IoT WAN revenue with 40% market share through 2021
  • The greatest revenue potential for IoT WANs will be from Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) followed by smart cities

Target Audience:
  • Non-cellular CSPs
  • IoT network providers
  • Mobile network operators
  • Semiconductor companies
  • Embedded systems companies
  • 4G/5G/IoT equipment providers
  • IoT app developers and aggregators

Spanning over 109 pages, 39 Tables and 22 Figures Internet of Things (IoT) WAN Market Analysis and Forecasts 2016 - 2021” report covers Executive Summary, Introduction, Wireless IoT WAN Technologies, LPWAN Ecosystem, LPWAN Use Cases, IoT WAN Connectivity and Service Revenue Forecasts, IoT WAN Connected Device Deployment Forecasts, Conclusions and Recommendations.

For more information Visit at: http://mrr.cm/J9S

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