Monday 29 September 2014

Uganda Telecommunications Report Q4 2014, New Report Launched

Uganda Telecommunications Report Q4 2014

The change s in market dynamics in Uganda's mobile sector, with market consolidation and the entry of new players, will boost competition and attract much needed capital into the sector. This will drive subscriptions growth in the short term through competitive pricing and network expansion to underserved areas. That said, we retain our view that rolling out high value services will remain the main objective of the country's major players as they aim to create new revenue streams and offset the impact of declining growth from traditional services.

Market ARPU in Uganda has been below USD4 since 2011, dragging on operators' revenue and profit growth, thus limiting their ability to reinvest in network upgrades and expansion. Publisher believes consolidation would help mitigate further price erosion in the market and enable larger operators to reach greater operational efficiencies and scale in the maintenance and expansion of their networks.

Key Data
  • The mobile market grew by 3.3% q-o-q and 17.4% y-o-y in Q214.
  • ARPUs estimated to have risen marginally in 2013, but remain very low, at UGX7,731 (USD3.10).
  • Fixed-line subscriptions fell sharply in 2013 following a contraction of 36.5%.

Risk/Reward Rating
Uganda dropped one place to 15th position in Publisher's latest RRR table, although its aggregate score remained unchanged at 41.2 out of 100. Uganda continues to outperform many of its peers in the country risks category, which reflects a positive real private consumption growth outlook during our five-year forecast period to 2018. Uganda also scored above average in the Industry Rewards category, as a penetration rate below 60% means its mobile market is likely to continue rapid growth throughout the whole of our forecast period.

Key Trends And Developments
The establishment of new points of presence (POP) in Uganda by submarine cable companies and their partners bodes well for the development of the broadband sector. In September 2014, submarine...

The Uganda Telecommunications Report features Publisher's independent industry forecasts on the future strength of Uganda's ICT market, covering the fixed-line, mobile and internet segments and analyses latest regulatory developments and corporate news, including investment activity, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures and partnerships. Leading operators and manufacturers are fully profiled, highlighting their quarterly financial performance, capital expenditure plans and latest contracts.
Uganda Telecommunications Report provides industry professionals and researchers, operators, equipment suppliers and vendors, corporate and financial services analysts and regulatory bodies with independent forecasts and competitive intelligence on the telecoms industry in Uganda.

Key Benefits
  • Benchmark Publisher's independent telecoms industry forecasts for Uganda to test other views - a key input for successful budgeting and strategic business planning in the Ugandan telecoms market.
  • Target business opportunities and risks in Uganda's telecoms sector through our reviews of latest industry trends, regulatory changes and major deals, projects and investments in Uganda.
  • Assess the activities, strategy and market position of your competitors, partners and clients via our Company Profiles (inc. SWOTs, KPIs and latest activity).

  • Summary of Publisher's key industry forecasts and views, covering the ICT, fixed-line, mobile (including 3G), internet and broadband markets.
  • Industry SWOT Analysis
  • Analysis of the major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats within the wireline and wireless sectors and within the broader political, economic and business environment.

Business Environment Rankings
Telecommunications Business Environment Rankings provides a country-comparative Risk-Reward Rankings index aimed at investors (vendors, operators and suppliers) in the regional telecoms market.
The rankings methodology makes sophisticated use of more than 40 industry, economic and demographic data points.

Industry Forecast Scenario
  • Historic data series and forecasts to end-2018 for all key industry indicators (see list below) supported by explicit assumptions, plus analysis of key downside risks to the main forecast.
  • Fixed-Line Telephony - Telephone lines ('000); telephone lines/100 inhabitants.
  • Cellular Telephony - Mobile phone subscribers ('000); mobile phone subscribers/100 inhabitants; mobile phone subscribers/100 fixed line subscribers.
  • Internet Markets - Internet users ('000); internet users/100 inhabitants; broadband internet subscribers ('000); broadband internet subscribers/100 inhabitants.

Market Data Analysis
  • Detailed market analysis of the mobile, mobile content, fixed line and internet segments, broken down into:
  • Market Data - Analysis of market size, operator shares, dominant trends, competitive landscape and key quarterly data.
  • Technology/Service Rollout - Analysis of rollout/adoption of new technology, such as 3G, WiMAX, IPTV, pay-TV, LTE and value-added handset services (gaming, music, video, apps etc.).
  • Mobile Content - The latest trends in content and services available and being introduced by mobile operators. Including a timeline of all the latest major mobile content developments.
  • Company Database - A comprehensive breakdown of KPIs of the leading mobile operators, including subscriber figures by type (pre-paid and post-paid); 3G subscriber figures; net additions; market share; ARPU; churn rates; minutes of use; voice and non-voice revenue; financial figures (including operating revenues, net profits and EBITDA).

Regulatory Environment
Details of the regulatory bodies and their responsibilities, as well as a special focus on the rules surrounding competition and interconnection. The latest updates in the market's development and regulatory rulings.

Company Profiles
  • Examines the competitive positioning and short- to medium-term business strategies of key industry players. Strategy is examined within the context of Publisher's industry forecasts, our macroeconomic views and our understanding of the wider competitive landscape to generate Company SWOT analyses.
  • The latest financial and operating statistics and key company developments are also incorporated within the company profiles, enabling a full evaluation of recent company performance and future growth prospects.

Spanning over 85 pages “Uganda Telecommunications Report Q4 2014” report covering Industry Forecast, Market Overview, Key Developments, Africa Mobile Content, Industry Trends And Developments, Regulatory Development, Competitive Landscape, Company Profile, Methodology.

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