Wednesday 12 March 2014

Tariff Trends SnapShot 29 - Shared Device Service Pricing, New Report Launched

Tariff Trends SnapShot 29 - Shared Device Service Pricing

About the Tariff Trend SnapShot Service It is a Research & Analysis Service published by Tariff Consultancy Ltd (TCL) providing a brief snapshot analysis of a new pricing trend for mobile or fixed line services seen by TCL analysts. It is published approximately every fortnight (for 20 issues a year).

The service can be purchased as a 1-year subscription or as individual SnapShots.

In this SnapShot, TCL analyses Shared Device Service pricing plans, a new trend which has been introduced by a number of MNOs worldwide. As the number of Tablets, laptops and Smartphones per household has multiplied, MNOs have introduced a shared usage plan to be used by the whole family. The new Shared Device Service plans allow MNOs to capture additional users per household.

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or individual Tariff Trends SnapShots, titles published to-date include:
  • Tariff Trends SnapShot No 1: Developments in EU roaming
  • Tariff Trends SnapShot No 2: The impact of the launch of Free Mobile in France
  • Tariff Trends SnapShot No 3: Developments in the Spanish mobile market (the unbundling of subsidised handsets)
  • Tariff Trends SnapShot No 4: Pricing for new LTE services launched to date
  • Tariff Trends SnapShot No 5: Pricing for the Youth Segment
  • Tariff Trends SnapShot No 6: Latest trends in Mobile Data Pricing
  • Tariff Trends SnapShot No 7: The key mobile pricing trends into 2013
  • Tariff Trends SnapShot No 8: MVNO in Europe
  • Tariff Trends SnapShot No. 9: MNOs and the challenge of Over The Top (OTT) services
  • Tariff Trends SnapShot No. 10: Messaging
  • Tariff Trends SnapShot No. 11: MNO new entrant
  • Tariff Trends SnapShot No. 12: MNO strategies in times of recession
  • Tariff Trends SnapShot No. 13: Mobile Banking Trends
  • Tariff Trends SnapShot No. 14: Competition TV/Broadband in the UK (Sky&BT)
  • Tariff Trends SnapShot No. 15: New moves in FMC services
  • Tariff Trends SnapShot No. 16: FTTH Pricing
  • Tariff Trends SnapShot No. 17: M2M
  • Tariff Trends SnapShot No. 18: LTE Pricing Trends
  • Tariff Trends SnapShot No. 19: Roaming
  • Tariff Trends SnapShot No. 20: Handset Finance Models
  • Tariff Trends SnapShot No. 21: Mobile in Africa
  • Tariff Trends SnapShot No. 22: Mobile Voice Pricing
  • Tariff Trends SnapShot No. 23:  Latest trends in Pre Pay services
  • Tariff Trends SnapShot No. 24: The introduction of Pre Pay 4G LTE services
  • Tariff Trends SnapShot No. 25: Ten trends to watch for 2014
  • Tariff Trends SnapShot No. 26: French Mobile Pricing Trends
  • Tariff Trends SnapShot No. 27: Indian Mobile Pricing Trends
  • Tariff Trends SnapShot No. 28: Pricing in the Middle East

The companies by Region are -
  • Americas:  AT&T, Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile and Sprint (USA), Digicel (Bermuda), Rogers,Telus and Bell (Canada), bmobile (Trinadad & Tobago),
  • Asia:           Telstra (Australia), Bharti Airtel (India)
  • Europe:      Sonera (Finland), Cosmote (Greece), O2 (Ireland), Telia (Sweden), EE (UK), Tesco (UK), Vodafone (UK)
  • M. East:      Batelco (Bahrain), Zain (Bahrain)

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