Tuesday 31 December 2013

Mobile Data and Applications: State of the Industry, Market Prospects, and Forecast 2013 - 2018, New Report Lunched

Mobile Data and Applications: State of the Industry, Market Prospects, and Forecast 2013 - 2018

Mobile applications continue an explosive growth phase. There can be no doubt that several factors have led to this including data speed improvements from 3G to 4G, Apple’s pioneering and Google’s entry into the mobile OS arena, mobile application store expansion with open development, and the overall rapid penetration and usage of Smartphone’s. We see the fourth generation (4G) of cellular via the LTE standard contributing a particularly profound effect on mobile application evolution.

Mobile apps are more than just a direct to consumer phenomenon as leading enterprise companies take mobile apps seriously. Just as over a decade ago every company needed an attractive, useful website, today leading companies are focused on compelling mobile apps. Savvy companies are leveraging mobile apps to their advantage with native custom mobile application development a top priority for IT organizations.

This report assesses the current state of the industry and evaluates mobile app development best practices and success factors, impact of mobile data improvements on apps, and provides a comparative analysis of native apps vs. HTML5 based applications. The report analyzes mobile application impact on future developments within key industry verticals such as healthcare, financial services, and others.

The report also provides a global forecast for mobile applications segmented by mobile OS and App Store and mobile OS and Business Model:

Global Mobile Application Revenue by App Store 2013 - 2018 :
  • Amazon App Store
  • Apple App Store
  • Bada App Store
  • BlackBerry App World
  • FireFox OS
  • Google Play
  • Kindle App Store
  • Nokia App Store
  • Nook App Store
  • Tizen
  • WebOS App Store
  • Windows Store
  • Others

Global Mobile Application Revenue by Business Model 2013 – 2018:
  • Virtual Goods
  • Advertising Revenue
  • Subscription Revenue
  • Download Revenue

Target Audience:
  • Mobile network operators
  • Mobile handset manufacturers
  • OS and application store companies
  • Wireless/Mobile application developers
  • Wireless/Mobile infrastructure providers
  • Personal computing device manufacturers
  • Services infrastructure and outsourcing providers

Spanning over 96 pages, 8 Tables and 15 Figures, “Mobile Data & Applications: State of the Industry, Market Prospects, and Forecast 2013 - 2018” report covering Introduction, Mobile App Success Factors, Implementation And Operation Considerations, Mobile Apps In Operation,  Native Apps Vs. HTML5, Mobile Application Metrics, Mobile Application Forecasts 2013 - 2018, Conclusions And Recommendations.

Browse other Mobile Content and Apps market research reports analysis and trends at : http://www.marketresearchreports.com/mobile-content-apps

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