Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Battle Between Major Players in Mobile Industry

As per the reports, mobile communications has evolved to become a complex ecosystem with many players. Google and their major competitors namely Yahoo, Microsoft, Apple, and Facebook are battling intensely with one another in the wireless arena. 

Key features of the report:
This report evaluates different key areas of competition which include mobile platforms, gaming, e-commerce, mobile payments and many more. It also provides SWOT i.e. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats for each company in different business development areas.

To purchase and know more about this market research reports please visit: Google vs. Yahoo, Microsoft, Facebook, and Apple in Mobile

Target Audience:
  • This report is a useful to mobile network operators, investment institutions of all types, third-party managed service providers, Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Facebook, and Apple, Value-added Service i.e. VAS application providers.
  • Report contains in-depth information about various topics which include mobile platforms, mobile mail, mobile photo sharing, media streaming, mobile TV, mobile voice application, mobile advertising, mobile gaming, mobile payment and mobile cloud computing.
  • The report also provides details about the major companies in the mobile industry which include Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Microsoft and Apple.

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