Monday 4 November 2013 The Economics of Mobile Ad Spend 2013 - 2016: Global Inventory, Media Billings and Business Operations, New Report Launched

The Economics of Mobile Ad Spend 2013 - 2016: Global Inventory, Media Billings and Business Operations
The Economics of Mobile Ad Spend 2013 - 2016: Global Inventory, Media Billings and Business Operations report presents a detailed accounting of global sales by territory, including the U.S., Europe, AsiaPac, Africa and Latin America, calculated against inventory requests, formats, pricing by region, fill rates, CTRs and eCPMs.

CPM inventory, performance-driven media conversion rates, served and data-enhanced impressions are fueling business operations yielding strong sector net revenue growth across technology solution categories including ad networks, ad serving platforms, audience profiling specialists, exchanges and programmatic trading environments.

Overall sector margins average 34.6% and result in aggregate net topline revenues exceeding $2.26 billion in 2013, and forecast to achieve 50.2% growth in 2014.
Each sub segment of the mobile ad solutions ecosystem is analyzed through 2016, post publisher payouts, when applicable.

Ad networks typically report topline as media spend pre publisher and 3rd party data partner payouts, taken at the COGS line.

Ad serving and technology platform topline revenue not associated with representing or filling impression requests are paid against volume CPM pricing, licensing, or both.
This research report’s sweeping data, analytics and forecasts are enhanced and further contextualized by thorough, inventory and business operations-focused Q & A’s conducted with a diverse, veteran and talented group of digital executives directing the industry’s leading network, technology platform, data solution and audience profiling providers.

Impression pricing by format, geography, network, exchange, ad serving platform and data provider is included. Duplicated inventory and spend is identified by analyzing exchanges connected to multiple demand sources.

In addition, this research report details the rapid evolution of company positioning and technology capabilities innovation, geographic expansion, business model progression, R & D initiatives and more.

Spanning over 274 pages, “The Economics of Mobile Ad Spend 2013 - 2016: Global Inventory, Media Billings and Business Operations” report cover 26 Companies - ADCOLONY, ADFONIC, ADITIC (a division of Sofialys), ADMODA/ADULTMODA, AMOBEE, BUZZCITY, CASEE (owned by Velti), INMOBI, JUMPTAP, KOMLI MOBILE, MADHOUSE, MEDIALETS, MOBCLIX (owned by Velti), MOBILE POSSE, MOJIVA, NDN (News Distribution Network), NEXAGE, OPERA MEDIAWORKS, RHYTHM NEWMEDIA, SMAATO, TAPJOY, TREMOR VIDEO, TRUMPIA, VERVE MOBILE, VOLTARI, xAd, Inc..

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