Thursday 8 August 2013 Mobile Location Commerce Market is Set to Grow in 2013 - 2018

Mobile Location Commerce Market is Set to Grow in 2013 - 2018
Mobile Location Commerce 2013 - 2018 report analyzes the potential revenues from location commerce and how to integrate location-based service (LBS) capabilities with m-commerce to boost sales. The report predicts the future of the industry and how social commerce can be used with location commerce.

Mobile commerce is expected to grow rapidly over the next five years. This growth is driven by the introduction of the tablets and the next generation smartphones. Publisher predicts that the location commerce will be one of the key initiatives across the mobile/wireless value chain within the next three years.

Publisher believe that certain key areas, such as Mobile Social Commerce in the Cloud will emerge as key areas and important channels for merchants across the value chain. In addition to traditional “bricks and mortar” storefront beneficiaries, we see cross-over between in-store shopping and digital media/online sales as end-user take advantage of next generation location-based marketing.

The research addresses fallowing topics;
  • Integration of LBS with M-commerce
  • Levering location commerce with social selling
  • Location commerce definition, scenarios, use cases
  • Future challenges for the location commerce industry
  • Major trends that will influence the location-commerce industry
  • Market outlook and potential for location commerce through 2018
Spanning over 8 tables, 13 charts and 17 figures, “Mobile Location Commerce 2013 - 2018” report identifies market opportunities for location commerce and market for mobile social location in the Cloud.

In addition to covering the Location Commerce Methodology, Location Advertising, Location Commerce: Missing loop in mobile commerce value chain, social-based location services, location commerce market analysis, the report also presents forecast by region for mobile location commerce from 2013 till 2018. Browse moreMobile Services Market Research Reports

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