Tuesday 30 July 2013

Mobile Applications and Widgets: Portable Applications on Mobile Platforms, Sixth Edition

Mobile Applications and Widgets: Portable Applications on Mobile Platforms, Sixth Edition
Spanning over 198 pages, 20 tables, 56 figures and 8 charts, “Mobile Applications and Widgets: Portable Applications on Mobile Platforms, Sixth Edition” report provides a complete understanding of the mobile software marketplace. The reader will learn about mobile applications from the inception and evolution of applications on mobile platforms, to current market trends. For more information visit: Mobile Applications and Widgets: Portable Applications on Mobile Platforms, Sixth Edition

The state of the current market is evaluated with reference to current market and data, financial and sales trends, user surveys, and assessing the impressions of news media outlets. Each of the top hardware and software platforms are reviewed and evaluated to provide a thorough understanding of the competitive landscape of the smart phone and tablet market.

In addition to updating the research with respect to latest data and market developments, the Sixth Edition of our report adds invaluable insights into HTML5, Compact Coding, Input Controls and Sensors, Connection Type Issues, Smartphone Market Performance, Augmented Reality, and more.
This report is an essential read for any organization directly or indirectly involved in the mobile marketplace.

This Report Benefits are forecasts of many types, identify opportunities for mobile apps and widgets understand the mobile widget ecosystem, understand the role and importance of HTML5 and identify key emerging applications areas including Augmented Reality.

In addition to covering the history of mobile platform programming, platform architectures, key development concepts, markets, market size and forecast, smart phone user survey, market breakdown by mobile operating system, mobile application examples, carrier and vendor adaptations and the future of Apps.

Browse more Mobile Content and Apps research reports.

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