Monday 24 December 2012

Cloud Solutions and Market Opportunities

Cloud Solutions and Market Opportunities
Cloud Solutions and Market Opportunities

Cloud Solutions and Market Opportunities report bundle represents the most comprehensive research covering the market for Cloud solutions and market opportunities.  It includes research that addresses competitive analysis, market opportunities in various industry verticals, cloud applications and solutions, the future of the Cloud, and more.

Key Cloud Impact Areas covered includes:

  • Cloud and Commerce, Content, and Applications
  • Cloud and Broadband including 4G and Beyond
  • Cloud and Small and Medium Business (SMB)
  • Cloud and Content Delivery Networks (CDN)
  • Cloud Telephony and impact on Incumbents
  • Cloud Convergence with Social and Local
  • Cloud and Machine-to-Machine (M2M)
  • Cloud and Next Generation Networks 
  • See Table of Contents for complete list of areas covered

Target Audience:

  • Wireless network operators
  • Telecommunications infrastructure providers
  • Cloud infrastructure and support service providers
  • E-commerce companies including online and mobile
  • Cloud content, commerce, service and application providers
  • Investment companies positioning for business transformation

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